Looking for a Camera Recommendation


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I've been using a crappy point-and-shoot for a while now, and its reaction time, features, and picture quality are starting to really bother me (low-light shots are absolutely attrocious).

I'm not looking for a full-size SLR, but something that will give me a taste of higher-end quality without breaking the bank too much. Also, I know that if I buy a big camera, that I'll be less likely to have it with me/carry it around.

Since it has been years since I've researched digital cameras, I figured that I would start here.

- I'd like to keep it under $700... and if possible under $600 (but I'm willing to pay for quality)
- Something smaller than the Rebel/D3000 full-size SLRs, micro 4/3 cameras or smaller
- I will probably not be buying any additional lenses, so a high-quality non-replaceable lense camera is fine (though not opposed to a replaceable lense camera)
- Most of the time, it will be used for vacations, low-lighting shots at parties, landscape/cloud/storm shots out of my 12th floor windows/rooftops...
- I don't care one way or the other about a touch screen
- Optical viewfinder not necessary
- Prefer built-in flash, I don't want to carry around anything extra
- Time between shots should be short, start-up time as well (I tend to turn my camera off and on a lot when I'm taking pictures)
- I'm getting better/more knowledgable with digital photography, but I'm still pretty noobish when it comes to some of the deeper settings, so the more that I can play with, the better... but if its missing an infrequently-used/enthusiast/[H] setting, I probably won't notice/mind
- Image stabilizing of some form is a must... my wife can't hold a camera still to save her life

I appreciate any input that I get from you sages...
Pentax K-X.


Has live view

Has built in shake reduction(image stabilization). Way better than buying a camera with shake reduction built into the lenses.

Has a built in flash.

A little bit smaller than a full-size DSLR.

Meets your price requirement.

Kit would come with an 18-55mm lens... you may want to look on Ebay for a used AF lense. Remember the older lenses will be 1.5x the focal length of what they were sold as (a 28-80mm would effectively be a 42-120mm).
I'd go with a Canon G11.

It has all of the manual controls of a DSLR but packaged into a pocket-able point & shoot body. Its image sensor is also much larger and less densely packed with pixels than what you normally find in a non-DSLR body, meaning you get less noise and shallower depth-of-field in your shots.

Its non-replaceable lens is of excellent quality with a long zoom range of 28-140mm (in full-frame DSLR terms) and a very fast aperture of f/2.8-4.5 which is great for low-light shooting and depth of field control. It is also optically stabilized which means you can see the effects of the anti-shake reduction through both the LCD and the viewfinder (better than sensor-shift type stabilization :p).

It also shoots in RAW format, has a burst modes, exposure bracketing, a built in flash, and a hotshoe flash mount if you ever decide to get an external flash down the road.

It's easily the best pro-sumer point & shoot out there right now when it comes to image quality and DSLR-like features & control. You won't miss out on any DSLR features with this one.
For point and shoots the Canon S90 and the Panasonic LX3 are well regarded in terms of picture quality and better low light results than normal point and shoots. And for a larger point and shootish camera the Canon G11. Edit: I second everything SilverMK3 said about the G11. I'm seriously considering it for a secondary camera to my DSLR.

The Olympus Pen E-PL1 looks promising and is a 4/3rds camera http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/674721-REG/Olympus_262856_PEN_E_PL1_Digital_Camera.html Sony also has their Alpha NEX-3 and NEX-5 which is the larger APS-C sensor, so the lenses will be larger than the 4/3rds lenses. Here is a post on fredmiranda.com where the guy used the E-PL1 at a social gathering http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/909276
I'd go with a Canon G11.

It has all of the manual controls of a DSLR but packaged into a pocket-able point & shoot body. Its image sensor is also much larger and less densely packed with pixels than what you normally find in a non-DSLR body, meaning you get less noise and shallower depth-of-field in your shots.

Its non-replaceable lens is of excellent quality with a long zoom range of 28-140mm (in full-frame DSLR terms) and a very fast aperture of f/2.8-4.5 which is great for low-light shooting and depth of field control. It is also optically stabilized which means you can see the effects of the anti-shake reduction through both the LCD and the viewfinder (better than sensor-shift type stabilization :p).

It also shoots in RAW format, has a burst modes, exposure bracketing, a built in flash, and a hotshoe flash mount if you ever decide to get an external flash down the road.

It's easily the best pro-sumer point & shoot out there right now when it comes to image quality and DSLR-like features & control. You won't miss out on any DSLR features with this one.

The G11 looks like a great camera... I'll have to hold one in my hand to make my final decision, but it definitely looks like a solid choice...
So, after lots of online review reading and spec-sheet comparisons, it looks like I'd probably do well to get a G11.

However, I can't find a physical store anywhere that seems to carry them (I'm one of those people that needs to hold it in my hand and spin a few dials... take a picture of the sales clerk... I don't like to just "trust" reviews for build-quality)

Anyone know of a store in the DC area that might carry this thing? I found a small camera shop that carried the NEX-3/NEX-5, as well as the EP-1, and definitely prefered the quality and features of the NEX cameras. That store, and a few others that I tried, didn't carry the G11 though.
I suppose an internet-based store that allows for open-box 30-day returns would probably work as well...
So, after lots of online review reading and spec-sheet comparisons, it looks like I'd probably do well to get a G11.

Congrats!! :D

Anyone know of a store in the DC area that might carry this thing? I found a small camera shop that carried the NEX-3/NEX-5, as well as the EP-1, and definitely prefered the quality and features of the NEX cameras. That store, and a few others that I tried, didn't carry the G11 though.

According to Canon's authorized dealers list:

3307 M STREET, NW,
GEORGETOWN DC 20007 202-337-8179

3307 M STREET, NW,
GEORGETOWN DC 20007 202-337-8179

WASHINGTON DC 20008 202-363-5758

WASHINGTON DC 20002 2025293200

WASHINGTON DC 20002 2025293200

BEST BUY #1668
WASHINGTON DC 20310 Not Available

BEST BUY #1092
3100 14TH ST NW,
WASHINGTON DC 20010 Not Available

WASHINGTON DC 20016 Not Available

WASHINGTON DC 20020 Not Available

1776 EYE STREET, N.W.,
WASHINGTON DC 20006 202-467-0739

Don't forget to Google & Pricematch if you get it from BB or Staples ;)