Looking for a $250-$300 24" monitor


Jun 5, 2008
I tried searching before making this post, without any luck, so hopefully I am not re-asking a common question... :eek:

Basically my question is, what is my best bet for a 24" monitor around the $250 range (possibly can spend closer to $300 if the product/deal truly warrants it.)

I already know I will have to choose a TN panel due to my low spending limits, but that doesn't matter terribly to me, as I have a 22" Acer panel atm, and it looks pretty alright.

I am still kicking myself for not picking up the HP w2408h for $215 in this thread http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1374021 .

I want to pick up the nicest 24" I can in my price range, and I don't particularly care if it is height adjustable/ glossy finish... although both would be bonuses.)

I was looking at:
Samsung 2433BW - $260 shipped - http://www.buy.com/prod/samsung-243...1-dc-5ms-1920-x-1200/q/loc/101/209316329.html

ASUS VW246H - $290 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049

Samsung T240 - $245 - http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=33134&promoid=1048&vpn=LS24TWHSUV/ZA&manufacture=Samsung

I would prefer not to pick up an Acer again, I don't dislike mine, it just doesn't have the feel of quality.

I would love any kind of suggestion, and always appreciate all your help!
You may want to save your money and go with this, people seems to like
it, I bought one and it's shipping. Only a 90 day warranty though, but you
can buy an extended warranty if you wish.


I am still kicking myself for not picking up the HP w2408h for $215 in this thread http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1374021 .

:p I know, I really wish I would have picked that up. Maybe the deal will come back up in a couple weeks.

Will I have issues with a 24" @1920x1200 and a 22" @ 1680x1050 running together on the same hd4870/ issues with catalyst drivers. I have heard the catalyst drivers can have issues with 2 different resolutions on the same card.
I would recommend the Asus VW246H. I just picked up the web-cam version (VK246H) and it's a very good monitor.
i got it for 312 shipped with express replacement for any dead pixels, most of my info about it was from [H]

colors are very accurate out of the box, has basically the best viewing angles of any TN panel and next to no input lag. many places voted it best gaming lcd in the price range, most places this screen is 350-380
Might i recommend you this since you missed out on the hpw2408h. This one is the non h. hp w2408. This one has a dvi port instead of a HDMI like the one from buy.com.

I have never heard of that site before, have any of your had any experience with mwave.com?
So that monitor is the same as the hpw2408h minus the HDMI input? $225 isn't a bad price, but that BenQ sounds like it might only be like $40 possibly.

I am glad to see there are some decent options out there for ~$250.
I have never heard of that site before, have any of your had any experience with mwave.com?
So that monitor is the same as the hpw2408h minus the HDMI input? $225 isn't a bad price, but that BenQ sounds like it might only be like $40 possibly.

I am glad to see there are some decent options out there for ~$250.

I've order from them before. 5 times to be exact. Their service is as good as newegg. Since their warehouse is like 5mins from where i live, They allow pick up. Highly recommended. And to asnwer your question yes its just minus the HDMI input.
What are your thoughts on the Dell E248WFP?
A user on this forum is selling one for around my price range, any reason to consider it over the BenQ G2400WD or a HP w2408h?
What are your thoughts on the Dell E248WFP?
A user on this forum is selling one for around my price range, any reason to consider it over the BenQ G2400WD or a HP w2408h?

You can get that monitor from the Dell refurb for 250 or around there with free ground shipping.
You can get that monitor from the Dell refurb for 250 or around there with free ground shipping.

Yeah, that is what I was seeing, just wasn't sure if it would be worth picking up over the BenQ/ect. This will be the biggest monitor I will have owned, and hopefully it will be with me for a quite sometime, so I want to insure I pick up the nicest one in my budget.
Agreed I am actually in the same boat as you, I am really thinking either the HP or the Dell would be the best choice, What I really want is a zero tolerance dead pixel policy, this 8 with the debranded HP and 6 with Dell really piss me off, any defect is a defect and should not be tolerated.
Agreed I am actually in the same boat as you, I am really thinking either the HP or the Dell would be the best choice, What I really want is a zero tolerance dead pixel policy, this 8 with the debranded HP and 6 with Dell really piss me off, any defect is a defect and should not be tolerated.
Yeah it would be really nice if you could return it regardless, but man that would keep those companies busy!

I was just looking at refurbished Dell S2409W for ~$270, I really love the housing for the monitor/style, and seems to have gotten much better reviews than the E248WFP.

I have a feeling that deciding between a Dell, BenQ and HP 24" will lead me to something very nice! I am really excited to game on a 24", have never tried it before or seen anyone do it!
Once you pull the plug and order one I would to hear your thoughts on your purchase so I could follow suit if all is satisfactory
Once you pull the plug and order one I would to hear your thoughts on your purchase so I could follow suit if all is satisfactory
Nah I think you should order first and let me know :p Haha, just kidding, I will definitly post reviews when I pick up one.

Samsung T240>others
Dammit... why are there so many opinions on which one "the best" is.... :p

Thanks for all the advice, I will keep watching prices and reading your reviews!
I'm trying to decide between the Dell S2409W and 24" Asus too. I've been leaning towards the Dell because I like the even bezel and design more (I plan on using portrait mode a lot), but the fact that its matte is throwing me off a bit. I've been using a glossy monitor for the past 4 years or so and I guess I've gotten used to it. Is there a glossy version of the S2409W?

Any other critical differences between these two?
Consider me in the same boat too. Newegg has some interesting open box options.

LG W2600H-PF Black 25.5" $299.99

SAMSUNG T240HD Rose-Black 24" 5ms HDMI Widescreen HDTV/Monitor $288.77

Acer P243WAid Black-Silver 24" 2ms(GTG) HDMI $237.85

Acer P244Wbii Glossy Black 24" 2ms (GTG) HDMI 16:9 Full 1080P $220.24

I'm looking at the 16:9 for my 360.
That P244Wbii Open Box is tempting, but from what I'm seeing, it seems you get no manufacturer's warranty and only a 15 day return policy from NewEgg. Is that really the case? I don't know how comfortable I'd be without having any kind of warranty on an open box purchase like that.
I'm still leaning towards picking up one of these

Ughhhhh why do I have to be so indecisive when it comes to monitors? I guess it's because of all these mixed reviews for the 24" TN panels. Some people say they are fine, others say they are utter shit. I just don't know what to believe!
From what I'm reading, I would say it totally depends on what you are used to, as well as what you are looking to use it for (and what you are willing to pay).

For my purposes, any non-ghosting 24" screen is probably going to be fine for me. I'm not a huge stickler for 100% color accuracy, absolutely zero-tolerance backlight bleed-through, viewing angles etc. I can very much understand someone needing to find the best monitor in those areas if they were using it for something like professional photo work where they need consistent color reproduction and the likes, but that's not something I will be doing.

For me, it's simply going to be FPS's, MMO's, and maybe hooking up the PS3 to it once in a while.
Exactly. Very tempting. I'm worried about getting damaged pixels. If I could see it in person to confirm it's condition I'd buy it in a heart beat. It's a gamble - but one that I'd consider over ebay..
Too bad it's the weekend... I'd like to call Acer and get confirmation that they don't offer warranties on open box items. I'm pretty sure I've seen posts by BenQ reps in other forums that have said they will warranty open box purchases for 90 days.

EDIT: Hmm, something I've been wondering... does anyone know, historically, if Newegg tends to have better deals on the 1st of the year as opposed to now (the post-Christmas sales)? I've been thinking more and more about going with the BenQ E2400HD as it is $60 off on Newegg right now ($299), but I'm wondering if the price may drop even lower than that if I wait a few days. Conversely, I don't want to miss out on this deal while it's going on either...
Well, for the price, I'm looking at either the BenQ or the ASUS VW246H ($290). I've read a lot of really good reviews of that BenQ monitor, and BenQ monitors in general, so I was tempted to jump on the deal while there was only a $10 difference between the two models.

It's not that I've heard the ASUS is bad or anything, I just haven't heard as much about it... it's still my backup choice if the BenQ goes back up to full price and I miss out on the deal or something.
That 25.5" LG W2600H-PF open box for $299 is really tempting, any of you own one/ know much about it?
Depending on reviews I will probably pick up the BenQ G2400WD or that LG W2600H-PF.
I called two stores near me in Houston/Spring, Texas area they wouldnt price match in store, the online price was $249.99 and $359.99 in store, now the online price is 359.99. :confused:

I just bought one of those today for $249.99 w/ instore pickup

It's a COMPLETE POS. the worst fade i've ever seen. Using a solid orange background it's pretty much yellow at the bottom. Looks just like the gradient effect in photoshop, lol. Adjusting/tweaking does nothing to fix the problem, and to top it off the viewing angles are abysmal for a new TN panel. It's got a bright, clear picture with little bleeding but that is no consolation for such a terrible fade.

My 10 year old Samsung 19" CRT looks much, much better than this monitor.

I'm taking it back right now. :cool:
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but i'm kind of in the same boat as the OP. I want a 24 inch monitor that is relatively cheap, NO REFURBS or Open Boxes, and that is between $250 to $290 with shipping & handling included. Reason i don't want refurbs or open box items is because of the very limited warranty. I know it'll be a tn panel, i'm alright with that. I'm mainly going to use it for gaming and watching movies. So far, this is what i've found that fits the description;

Acer® X243Wbd 24" @ OfficeDepot which comes with a 3-year Manufacturer's Warranty for $249:

Sceptre 24" @ Costco which comes with a 1-year manufacturer's warranty for $249:

I went to OD to see the Acer monitor and the image didn't look that great. It was connected via analog instead of DVI so that might have been the cause. I went to compusa/tigerdirect and they had the same monitor type for sale that Costco has, the image on it looked far better than the Acer. I'm thinking of going with the Sceptre from Costco since the image quality and the colors looked better, and hey it's Costco. I can bring the monitor back to them whenever if something ever goes wrong with it. I am open any more suggestions if anyone has seen anything better, thanks for any advice and help =)
Those open box monitors on Newegg got snatched up. I'm really considering the E2400HD now for it's praise on these forums as well as it's native 16:9.
Do you guys have any experience/ thoughts on the Samsung T240HD monitor?
A user on this forum has offered to sell it too me, and it seems to have pretty decent reviews on online...
Buying a monitor used is really scary though, although I bought almost my entire current rig used over [H]'s FS boards and had nothing but great luck.

After reading reviews on [H]/online is sounds like a pretty solid monitor, and is around my price range. Do you guys have any advice regarding this purchase.... *scared*
Do you guys have any experience/ thoughts on the Samsung T240HD monitor?
A user on this forum has offered to sell it too me, and it seems to have pretty decent reviews on online...
Buying a monitor used is really scary though, although I bought almost my entire current rig used over [H]'s FS boards and had nothing but great luck.

After reading reviews on [H]/online is sounds like a pretty solid monitor, and is around my price range. Do you guys have any advice regarding this purchase.... *scared*

Yes, dont buy it............. and whats the persons user name?:D
Yes, dont buy it............. and whats the persons user name?:D

Haha, you punk :p
I imagine I will pick it up, the only thing I am worried about is the 15-28ms input lag, but honestly I have no idea what that would look liek and how much that would affect PC gaming...

I do not even know what the input lag on my Acer AL2216W is or my Dell, so I have no comparison.
Haha, you punk :p
I imagine I will pick it up, the only thing I am worried about is the 15-28ms input lag, but honestly I have no idea what that would look liek and how much that would affect PC gaming...

I do not even know what the input lag on my Acer AL2216W is or my Dell, so I have no comparison.

Yeah im in the same boat. My gf and her mom got me a T220, I wanted the t240/HD but they couldnt find one at our local Costco.

I just got it hooked up and so far im semi happy with it. The native res is kinda funky while playing DODS, you can totally tell its streching the picture. Also Im getting some artifacting but I think that is just my outdated 7900 GTO whimping out or just drivers I just got done restarting and have not tested again.

Im going to play around with it for a day or two and then return it because Id really like to have HDMI for my PS3 if I ever happen to need it.
So, contrary to any of my previous selections for a monitor, I ended up going with this one that just went on sale at Best Buy today:

I actually read a decent review of it here on the forums:

Being able to pick it up locally with a 14-day return for any reason policy is kind of what sold me on it in the end... this way, even if I don't like it, I can just return it and go with one of my original ideas. They didn't have it on display unfortunately, but the 28" version they had on the shelf looked quite nice.

I'll try and take a look at it tonight and get my thoughts posted up here... I plan to try hooking my PS3 up to it and seeing if I have any of the overscan issues some people have complained about. WipEout HD at 1080p should look amazing on it :D