longhorn appearance

Feb 27, 2005
do you guys think that longhorn looks ugly? i do.

i think that in the end the most important thing is how the damn thing looks. (a thing! not a person ok) and the dark gray bars, red close button, i think they should change all. do you guys think they will change to something different or are we stuck with this ugly 4074 build interface? i like the way linux looks. :)
I'm not even sure how to begin this one, except to say your definitely living up to your title.

It's been very well documented that the current interface of Longhorn is what's going to be in the final product. As with XP, if you don't like it, there will be a million ways to change it. If you like the way Linux looks, why would you be worrying about Longhorn anyway? Since looks are the most important thing to you, and you love the way Linux looks, that's what you should be using.
Normally, first impressions have a lot to say for how much people like a product, even if it's possible to change its looks. By this reasoning it does matter (a lot) if people think the default look of Longhorn is, well, "ugly".

That's "normally", though. Since we're discussing a windows release, most people will have to use it sooner or later anyway, so those who care will bother to find out how to change it.

Oh, and was that "is" meant to be "isn't"?
caracaovazio said:
djnes, can i ask you something?

could you please stop responding my threads, please?!? thanks.

Ask a stupid question, deal with the answers....that's how it works. I don't recall answering any of your other threads. I don't look at thread starters when I respond...only the content of the post. If you don't like my answers, well TS. As someone above mentioned, truth hurts. If you don't like hearing it, don't ask for it. See the bottom of my sig for future reference.

Upon further review
, this is the only thread you and I have both posted in. So, my suggestions are STFU, learn how the forums work, and stay on topic.
I love the way Win3.11 looks with all the multiple windows and stuff. Sure it can't do crap nowadays (Yay 16-bit IE!), but I'm lookin' retro snazzy and as said above, thats the most important thing.
what truth? truth that atlantis did exist. that people ARE kidnipped by people from others worlds. that bush is a bad president and has bad intensions for this country, and you like everybody else is afraid to say no to him. truth that people love to look good so everyelse will treat them good, that people have there furniture all nice and looking good so people will accept them. that kind of truth? i have mental disease that's the way i talk. that's the truth, like my doctor says, because he too is afraid. it's all in your head.
Wow, that came out of left field.

Here's the key forum rule: people are judged on competence. Not handle, not postcount, not system specs, but whether or not they have a clue. You're not helping your case here.

As noted, there are a million and one ways to change the way your OS looks. Longhorn will still ship with the Windows 3 shell if that floats your boat. Alternately (and again, as noted), Linux is free. You'll never have to look at Longhorn again.
caracaovazio said:
what truth? truth that atlantis did exist. that people ARE kidnipped by people from others worlds. that bush is a bad president and has bad intensions for this country, and you like everybody else is afraid to say no to him. truth that people love to look good so everyelse will treat them good, that people have there furniture all nice and looking good so people will accept them. that kind of truth? i have mental disease that's the way i talk. that's the truth, like my doctor says, because he too is afraid. it's all in your head.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
I just wasted a minute of my life reading this thread.

Don't like it? Change it. I happen to like it and I'll *still* probably change it to something I like even better.

I'm not even going to touch the comment about the most important thing being looks. Give me stability, performance, then looks. In that order.
lomn75 said:
You're right... why did I bother composing a rational response again?

Not sure why we even read it and felt like responding. Oh well...when all esle fails, atleast you have postcount++ :)
I dont want to start a flame war . but Longhorn looks alot like a tricked out Linux distro.

caracaovazio said:
and the dark gray bars, red close button


^^^Yeah. The brown is ugly but I like the blue one.

just buy yourself a mac and quit your freakin whining. as said before, if you dont like it.... TS.

if you really dont feel like downloading something quick and easy to get a half decent GUI, and decide to complain instead, you have more issues than just Windows....

i happen to hate all windows GUIs, but i love the macs. a simple visit to FlyAKite OSX's website allows me to change my entire GUI to mac.

heck, if you like linux so much, just switch to linux entirely. and then go buy a mac, and stick linux on there. you can be a complete rebel against windows.

maybe a penguin in the ass and an apple in the mouth is what you need to shut up...
I personally hae the Mac interface. But that's my opinion. Who cares if someone thinks it's ugly. Microsoft still has time to change it.

Alot of people who initially thought Windows XP was ugly have grown accustomed to it and like it just fine.

It is all up to the individual. But the truth of the matter is the OS is perfectly skinable and you can change it's appearance quite a bit. So I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Sir-Fragalot said:
It is all up to the individual. But the truth of the matter is the OS is perfectly skinable and you can change it's appearance quite a bit. So I wouldn't worry about it too much.
so in essence, this entire thread was a complete waste...
I'd only like to add that it's still a little early to speculate about what the final version will look like, especially based on such old data. If you look at that blue screen shot, you see that the build is from July 19th 2003.

My suggestion? Wait until there is a beta, and then give feedback about what you would like to see changed.
Don't have to wait. There already is a beta. Really buggy though. (I think. I remember seeing something about a download but you had to be a member and I didn't want to join.)
[MS] said:
My suggestion? Wait until there is a beta, and then give feedback about what you would like to see changed.

Also, what the hell is with the "like the way Linux looks" crap? You like the command-line? GNOME? KDE? Black/Fluxbox? Enlightenment? Care to specify what window manager instead of the vague bullshit?

Just like XP, Longhorn will be capable of plenty of customization. I'm hoping for far more (supported ways), even though XP offers plenty. My XP desktop looks very little like a default install, since I'm using a non-default theme. Hell, if I wanted to use 3.11's Progman I could, as well as Litestep or Blackbox4Win. I have a suspicion that Longhorn will not be much different.

caracaovazio said:
what truth?
Apparently not the "truth" you have already assumed and refuse to examine critically and with logic or reason. Lay off the armchair revolutionary chatter and actually approach a given subject with as little presupposition as possible, and you may find the world a little more acceptable place to live. Truth often != fact.
jbog91 said:
Don't have to wait. There already is a beta. Really buggy though. (I think. I remember seeing something about a download but you had to be a member and I didn't want to join.)

We have not release any such Beta.

There was a very early release in 2003 that went out to people that came to the PDC. For those with MSDN subscriptions, downloads are available (I don't know if this is the same PDC build or a newer version), but there has been no beta.
I think the term is 'developer's preview' as opposed to 'beta', and there certainly hasn't been any public beta of any kind.
i think it kinda' looks nifty.

custom themes (or maybe they'll have something better) will fix it for anyone who thinks its ugly.
I tried window blinds and it left all kinds of crap on my computer. And everybody says it is full of spyware and I agree. I stay away from stardock's products.
jbog91 said:
I tried window blinds and it left all kinds of crap on my computer. And everybody says it is full of spyware and I agree. I stay away from stardock's products.

There is no spyware in Windowblinds :) That's just plain silly. Earlier versions were buggy and hogged a lot of memory though. I've used Stardock products for many years, since the days when they were an OS/2 only shop. I've always been quite pleased, but I suppose YMMV.
OldPueblo said:
I just installed WindowBlinds the other day and have to say I was impressed. No spyware or anything that I could detect and other then the reminder to buy (which I probably will) its a great product. Here's a very recent review for ya that gave it the thumbs up:


You should see what the full Object Desktop and Desktop X suite can do. Damn impressive stuff, and not just eye candy; functionality too.
ThomasE66 said:
You should see what the full Object Desktop and Desktop X suite can do. Damn impressive stuff, and not just eye candy; functionality too.

Yeah I'm tempted, but it looks like I'd have to use my mind and learn how to use it and stuff. No time!
OldPueblo said:
Yeah I'm tempted, but it looks like I'd have to use my mind and learn how to use it and stuff. No time!

LOL. There are lots of predefined suites, widgets, etc. It's suprisingly intuitive to setup a very nice working environment. I haven't played much with doing my own skins and suites yet...that pesky 'time' thing ;)