Longest First Person Shooters?

Far Cry on "realistic mode"

playing it straight through not dying too much, but on realistic when you die a lot it adds so much more to it, probably the single player I have played the most (the MP could be good, but didnt get much support from the buyers:()
Duke Nukem Forever... oh, you didn't mean longest wait?

I'd still say Morrowind. It falls into the FPS category by most definitions. It is not strictly an RPG at all.
I loved Half-Life, but I've only ever actually beaten it once. I really have no patience for a game once I've done it once. Far Cry I didn't have the patience to finish once. It was good, but I got close to the end then my savegame quit working. I was rather pissed.:D
Deus Ex was long but every minute of it kicked ass.

I logged 69 hours oN Deus Ex my first time through. All told I probably put in over 300 hours of gameplay on that game. One of the best games EVER!
Ive put in about 1,000 hours so far in America's Army... and no matter how many I kill, there are just more and more towelheads and russians. It never ends... oh nooooo... :eek::rolleyes::p
Doom3 took me i remember months to finish, also i played on a shitty geforce4 about halfway then thoose geforce 6800 cards got out which i changed my system for and such but it was too scary for me to play more then an hour or two really and i never played in daylight cause that just sucked.
Another vote for Farcry. I can't wait for Farcry 2. The quality of the game was simply amazing. I almost want Farcry 2 to come out before Crysis, but not quite. :p
Doom3...the number of times i ran through delta labs trying to figure out where to go...it was almost saddening.
If I were to list the longest FPS games in cumulative time it takes to finish (not it took me 8 months of playing 20 min a week to finish) I would rank the pure FPS games as follows:

Pure FPS Genre:
Unreal 1
Far Cry
Marathon / Marathon 2: Durandal <-- really great games BTW, they own Halo
Half Life 1
quake 2
Half Life 2
quake 1
Doom 1 & 2 but only because I was like 10 or 11 when these came out and used IDDQD and all the other cheats to blaze through them.

Hybrid FPS Genre:
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Deus Ex
Thief series
System Shock 2

I've played a lot more FPS games like RUNE, Daikatana, and several others but I don't really feel they deserve mentioning in the company of such great games.
well it isnt a true blue FPS but Morrowind was FUCKING long especially if you used the two addon packs....but god damn it was fun !

by the way has anyone seen anything on Fallout3 yet? Fallot1-2 and Tactics was a fuckin blast !
I lovved morrowind, much more so than oblivion for whatever reason, possibly because my rig didn't run it too well when it first came out (a64 3200, 1gig, x800xl). But that game ate like 3 months of my life. Never beat tribunal, but bloodmoon was totally sweet
Spear of Destiny, it's basically Wolfenstein 3D, but it generates random levels :D
ok so is anyone tallying up how which three fps are the longest?

boy this would have been a lot easier if it was constructed in a poll.
Set Blood to the level 4 highest difficulty setting and play it solo (it's meant for co-op). It will seem like the longest FPS because you will die about 2.3 times per minute. (With cheats enabled you will only die about once a minute. :D )
Since we are going back in the day, a game I'm not sure where to put but I thought it was long....Heavy Metal II: FAAK. That FPS felt like 20 hours.
Far Cry and Doom 3 are the most recent ones I recall as being lengthy.

Think the new Metroid series counts? Those were also pretty long.
I think Doom2 was something like 30 or 35 levels. These days all you get is 8 - 10 levels. I see people who bought Bioshock one day and finished it the next. That to me is not good bang for the buck.
..........i have yet to beat a game. be it console or computer.
computer i keep reformatting and not saving the save points or know how
console games take too much time. like mario........yes i have yet to beat any marios.
turok on 64 was hard too damn.Even had the strategy guides.
hl1 got far and......format!!!
cod2 last campaign and format
hl2......i got stuck on the first part where u run around and i gave up. then i found it later then formatted.
rainbow6 vegas formatted like 4 times in the summer damn.

game im currently on is company of heroes...... i formated like 2 weeks again and i saved the whole folder but cant find the save files some one help me finish my first game please by telling me where the save files are?
RSE's GhostRecon Campaigns, both from RSE studio and modder's missions and campaign submissions...last time I collected it almost fit into two DVD-Rs:(
How long is Quake 4 supposed to be?

I beat it on one level higher than standard difficulty and it was pretty long. Probably took me around 20-25 hours. Although the last few levels dragged out because they consisted of fighting several very hard monsters at once so you'll die a lot.

Far Cry was pretty long. 20 levels and the openness makes you take your time.

I remember the original Unreal was long. But it was so long ago, I can't remember specifics. I do remember Unreal 2 was very short.

Half Life 1 had a decent length although I beat it only 3 days because I couldn't stop playing it. HL2 was really disappointing in that aspect. It ended way too quickly. I thought for sure there would be another set of 3 levels after the citadel. :rolleyes:

Of course RPGs will own all, but when you talk about FPS, I can't think of any games longer than the first two Thief games. Long due to lots of content and secrets. And long because it takes a while to figure everything out without dying. I never beat either on the highest difficulty because you had to find literally every single piece of loot, some of which is ingeniously hidden.

Thief Gold had 15 levels some of which I remember spending all day exploring i.e. Down in the Bonehoard, Song of the Caverns... Metal Age had some levels that took a while to accomplish too. The one where you had to plant evidence at the police station took many hours. Little things like finding a button under a desk you needed to activate. They don't make games like Thief 1+2 anymore. I think the average "gamer" nowadays would find them too difficult. I really hope some good studio i.e. not Ubisoft makes Thief 4. Thief 3 was not horrible, like DX2, but it lost some of what made the first two games so excellent.
Deus Ex and Half-Life 1 are the longest games I have ever played.

I started Far Cry but it was boring so I quit.
I started Far Cry but it was boring so I quit.

How can you say that??? I loved that game - HL1 and Deus Ex are 1 and 2 in my "god I loved them so" games list with Far Cry being a tight 3rd (at least if I am only considering FPS's)...

For me a game needs a good combination of length AND quality - I dont care how good a game is, if I spend $50 for something and its over in 4-5 hours I feel cheated. It might seem a bit weird but in my head I feel $2 per hour of good to great gameplay is a good value - $10/hr seems like a ripoff.

Gonna go grab the Orange box tonight and hope I can get things running on my ancient rig (AMD 2400+ 1GB Ram and a Radeon 9800Pro) for some TF2 goodness - since I'll be running at 1024x768 I hope I can play...
Longest game I have played hands down is Oblivion. Granted it is not a pure FPS, but a RPG /FPS hybrid. Another hybrid that took some time to finish was Deus Ex. I forgot how many hours it took to play. For pure FPS, I would say Far Cry probably took me about 25hrs on hard, though I did do a lot of sneaking. I can not remember how long it took me to finish the early Doom and Quake games, but for some reason I don't remember then being long games. I know there are people that can finish long games very quickly by running through them. Speed players can usually finish games in half the time of most average players. Game play style also dictates the time it takes to finish. Recently I replayed HL1 and was amazed how short it was compared to what I remember when I first played it in 1999. HL2 was pretty long both time I played it, though the second time I probably cut a few hours off the game.
Deus Ex, also one of the best FPS ever made in my opinion is pretty long. Think of it as an FPSRPG. Man I wish they did a remake, Invisible War wasnt that good =(

I never play single-player... I always get too bored, I've played like the first 2 hours of Halflife 1, Halflife 2, Opposing Force, Episode 1, haven't touched blueshift or episode 2, never got past the first few levels of any of the dooms or quakes...

lol I get bored... fast... Portal was the only game I can really remember beating... I did that in one sitting, 2-3 hours... that's my attention span :)

I put 50+ hours into TF2 though... :D
its been said, Doom 3 was pretty long. To be honest I have yet to finish the game, I played a large chunk of the begining, then my friend played it till hell, i used his save file and got, from what I can gather about 75% of the way through. My friend beat the game and sent me the final save file for the final boss.

I whupped his ass. Then the friend of mine beat the game on the hardest option, and sent me the save file.

Whupped his ass again.

I loved the game but I never played through it throughly because I never owned a legal full retail copy. A friend of mine introduced me to image files and I was off to the races thinking (my young nieeve mind) that it was leagle. After about 10 mins I thought about it for a bit and realized that my PC was chuck-full of pirated software. I reformatted, but after I put my Doom 3 on a crack CD.

But talking about it now makes me want to go out and buy a full retail copy. Think I'll do that. Steam now sells ID games for cheap right?

Aside from Doom 3, System shock 2, Dues Ex, Half Life 2... all the usual...

whats an unexpectidly long and awsome FPS game? Donno... cant think of one...

edit: yeah farcry wasnt too shabby.
..........i have yet to beat a game. be it console or computer.
computer i keep reformatting and not saving the save points or know how
console games take too much time. like mario........yes i have yet to beat any marios.
turok on 64 was hard too damn.Even had the strategy guides.
hl1 got far and......format!!!
cod2 last campaign and format
hl2......i got stuck on the first part where u run around and i gave up. then i found it later then formatted.
rainbow6 vegas formatted like 4 times in the summer damn.

game im currently on is company of heroes...... i formated like 2 weeks again and i saved the whole folder but cant find the save files some one help me finish my first game please by telling me where the save files are?

Why in god's name do you format so much? I only format once every 4-5 years or so if even that. I usually end up on a totally new computer before I format. The save game files of many games are inside your documents and settings folders.

But yes, technically, Oblivion is the longest FPS.
Far Cry and Doom 3 are the most recent ones I recall as being lengthy.

Doom 3 was especially long, but I enjoyed the way the same story was told, so it was fun.
As to Far Cry, it was also long, but I was extremely bored with the last few levels. The "take 10 rockets and don't die" mutants, were frustrating enough for me to take my sweet time, to finish the damn game.
I've formatted atleast 10 times in the past 2 months... fresh installs are nice :)

I'm trying to reduce the crap and not installing programs I don't need to.

How about you just uninstall the programs instead of reformatting? Fresh installs are horrible, takes forever to get the system back into the state you want it to be.

The last time I actually formatted a drive and reinstalled windows, I was back on Windows 98 (not even SE). I've never had virus or spyware problems that I couldn't fix without a format.
How about you just uninstall the programs instead of reformatting? Fresh installs are horrible, takes forever to get the system back into the state you want it to be.

The last time I actually formatted a drive and reinstalled windows, I was back on Windows 98 (not even SE). I've never had virus or spyware problems that I couldn't fix without a format.

I agree. I dread reformats.

The minimum i download and install (takes at least an entire day):

ati tool
Gfx drivers
Sound drivers
dx updates
Motherboard drivers
spybot s&d-(sucks lately with the registry crap)
Wireless card drivers
uTorrent :cool:

See where I'm going?

Ontopic: Oblivion can be played for hundreds of hours.

I've seen people with 3000+ hours logged in xfire and they're still not done... ;)