Long term Westy 37" LCD users....


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
How are these displays holding up? Any issues? I am looking at getting one for my Christmas present.....I will be playing Crysis and QW:ET as far as games go, plus we use my computer as a second TV in our bedroom with my HD cable box.

Plus I will be getting a second XBox 36 elite to play Forza2 on as well. I bet it looks WONDERFUL on the 57".......

edit: plus if you have a cool pic of it in action that would be lovely.
Wow, tough crowd tonight, I guess I better hop into genmay for some action.:D
I have a Westy 37in and its awesome, Xbox360 elite in 1080P looks awesome, and when people see my PC running on it their jaw drops, Every day HD from ComCrap cable looks great as well. I can send you pics if you want some :)
I have a Westy 37in and its awesome, Xbox360 elite in 1080P looks awesome, and when people see my PC running on it their jaw drops, Every day HD from ComCrap cable looks great as well. I can send you pics if you want some :)

Send Away!
I want one of these too. Imagine 37" @ 1080p of goodness on your desk... :cool:
/me suggests a wall mount (stand is ugly tbh)

There is an issue with the Westinghouse 37" and the Nvidia 8800 series. All the drivers for about the last 5 months have blurry and underscan issues. This is a known issue and Nvidia says they don't know if they will ever fix it.

I'm stuck using the 152 forcewares, but other than that it's amazing.

I've had the monitor for 7 months now and have had no trouble with it other than w/the nvidia drivers.
only trouble ive had was that the driver recognized the screen as a 42 though problems solved after creating a custom inf
My brother has one and it worked great until....it stopped working. He had it about 4 months and it just went black in the middle of browsing a Web page one day. He tried it on two other systems with the same result.

Over 100 bucks in shipping to RMA it. So, for him, it was a great monitor while it lasted, and it didn't last long. He probably just got unlucky.
I haven't had any issue with many since getting in January of 06, other than slight ghosting of blacks but that has been since day one. I think about from time to time dropping to a 24 to use it as a TV but it's just so damned good. I haven't had any underscan issues that I am aware of with my 8800GTX and I have the latest version that came with Bioshock.. I would definitely recommend it.
7 months so far with the 37W1 (old model)

Love it very much. Only 2 issues: 1 stuck pixel on green near the left border, and backlight buzzing. The buzz is weird because where it stops buzzing changes on a daily basis. Sometimes it will stop buzzing at 40 brightness, sometimes 60 - but not necessarily the next day.

So it's a quirk I need to deal with on a daily basis.
There is an issue with the Westinghouse 37" and the Nvidia 8800 series. All the drivers for about the last 5 months have blurry and underscan issues. This is a known issue and Nvidia says they don't know if they will ever fix it.

I'm stuck using the 152 forcewares, but other than that it's amazing.

I've had the monitor for 7 months now and have had no trouble with it other than w/the nvidia drivers.

I'm using the newest forceware drivers on my 8800GTX with my 37w3 and have no issues with a blurry picture or underscan.
7 months so far with the 37W1 (old model)

Love it very much. Only 2 issues: 1 stuck pixel on green near the left border, and backlight buzzing. The buzz is weird because where it stops buzzing changes on a daily basis. Sometimes it will stop buzzing at 40 brightness, sometimes 60 - but not necessarily the next day.

So it's a quirk I need to deal with on a daily basis.

My first W1 did that too. Noise was too annoying to live with, and it also had banding problems.

Drove it an hour to the Westinghouse warehouse/RMA center in Orange County, and 3 days later I had a tested refurb shipped to my door. Refurb worked fine for months, I was pretty happy with it for PC, HD TV and regular DVD use. Sold it when I moved to Canada.

Recently went with a Sharp 32" 1080p as my primary PC monitor since there were no LVM models for sale in Canada, and the 42" TX would have been too big.

Very glad now that I couldn't find a LVM, since the 32" Sharp Aquos is a much better display overall, HUGELY better blacks, much better build quality, bezel, stand and speakers, has a QAM tuner, and a real, useful remote. It lacks all the inputs the Westy had, but there's enough for what I'm using it for now, which is DVI to HDMI from the PC and HDMI from a Toshiba HD-DVD player.

It's hard to beat the Westy on the bang for the buck scale though.
to OP, you won't be able to buy it for X-mas because it is going out of production. FYI :D
Ive had mine for almost a year now (v3) still looks amazing. I use it only for 360 and PS3...it was my computer monitor but I was sitting like 2 feet from the thing and it started to really bother me. (neck issues)

Plus my puter cannot handle the latest games at 1920x1080 (source games were fine but cod 4 chuggs and high settings) When I upgrade the puter and get another desk/more room...it will be the puter monitor again. Oh yes it will! I really miss it...using a 19" CRT!!!UGH!!