Logitech MX5000 Wireless Dektop... WTF?


Dec 17, 2006
Hey everyone,
I'm back yet again to ask you all about a problem I seem to be having.

I recently got a refurb logitech mx5000 bluetooth desktop. I know people have been having "issues" with them... here is what happens to me!

Every once in a while, the keyboard and mouse and everything in the system will go to the left.
For example, if I want to move a window with my mouse: I click on the window and if I dont constantly move the window to the right, it will move left on its own.
Another example: I will be typing, and I wont be able to anymore because the cursor moves to the left with great speed and vigor.

I have tried the following:
reinstalling drivers (completely removiing logitech's drivers and installing them clean)
Turning off my keyboard and mouse for some time (but when I use the remote to try and watch TV, the damn thing always moves to the left as well!!!!)
Reconnecting the devices: This SOMETIMES solves the problem for a minute or two, but then it starts right back again
Moving the bluetooth dongle to a different USB port: doesn't do a damn thing
Restarting: This is the only thing that works for sure.

WTF is going on? Your help would be appreciated, but I'm close to throwing these in the trash. If the damn things didn't cost me 50 bucks (I'm a poor college student, what can I say, plus the Jewish side of me would hate to spend money on something and not get my full value), I would have taken the business end of a shotgun to them:confused: :eek:
Well it looks like you have come close to exhausting your options with this. DON'T BUY ELECTRONICS AND TECHNOLOGY REFURB!!
He may be right that you shouldn't buy a refurbished product, but I purchased the MX5000 Desktop new and it sucks... The mouse lags, sometimes for 5 seconds (not exaggerating) and sometimes when typing or playing a game it will decide that I am pressing and holding a key for upwards of ten seconds... I've tested it on other systems and had the same problems... There have been a lot of complaints about this product...
Have you tried installing the Logitech software? I know it is terrible, but I once read about a problem that was fixed with the installation of that software. Once the software is installed just prevent it from starting with your computer or something.
Yeah, I've tried it with and without the Logitech Software on both PCs and it is still sporadic...
Sometimes it will lose connection to the keyboard and refuse to reconnect until a restart... Needless to say I quit using it... :(
logitech has some problems with bluetooth. i love my mx3100, but they only sold it for like 1 month for some reason. it's the same thing as the mx5000 except not bluetooth, and no screen/touch controls.
Well, I hope someone will learn from our collective mistakes. Ugh, now what keyboards on the market are good and wireless?
uummm key board can be a little laggy and some times when it wakes up it enters the key twice, this is under ubuntu linux btw, so yeah......

once it did the key being pressed for 10 seconds thing, but do you have any other bluetooth devices that could interfere with the receiver??
uummm key board can be a little laggy and some times when it wakes up it enters the key twice, this is under ubuntu linux btw, so yeah......

once it did the key being pressed for 10 seconds thing, but do you have any other bluetooth devices that could interfere with the receiver??

No, only the mouse, but I assume as they came in a set that they were designed to be working together.
Well, I hope someone will learn from our collective mistakes. Ugh, now what keyboards on the market are good and wireless?

Logitech MX3000 is a great keyboard/mouse set. Microsoft has some nice wireless keyboards as well, but the ones I have had were around 100 bucks (thank god for rich friends :D )
I've never used the MX3000 but I stand firm behind Logitech's other wireless devices (non-bluetooth)... I have an older wireless Logitech keyboard mouse combo and I love it...
The problem is logitech's set point software. If I close the software it will stop pulling everything to the left. This is really really really stupid. Why have software that is going to hinder the users interaction with their product. I seriously want to like this keyboard and mouse, but sometimes it is hard.
I had horrible lag with the mx5000 set, until I replaced the inclouded Bluetooth dongle with a Linksys USBBT100. That's a class-1 device, and I suspect the included one is class-2 or worse. I went from horrible lag at 5 feet, to no lag at 30'. (My typical use is 15' or so, but I got excited about pushing the limits. 30' is about as far as I can go and stay in view of the screen)

I'm surprised that even a class-2 device, rated for 10m, would fail so reliably at 5 feet, but the 10m rating may assume a more pristine spectrum, not one crowded with cordless phones, wifi, etc. I strongly urge anybody with laggy bluetooth issues to try getting REAL CLOSE and see if things magically work. If so, you may need a better transmitter, not just software changes. Don't assume that being well inside 10m is close, get within a foot or two for your test.

I had previously removed the Logitech stack and all sorts of software gymnastics. Upgrading the bluetooth master device was the real fix, for my problem anyway.