Logitech MX1000


Sep 23, 2000
How is the mouse? I'm thinking of picking one up to replace my MX510. I like the feel and accuracy of my MX510, and I really don't mind the wire all that much, but I like the idea of a cordless mouse, but lag has always been a deterent from getting one. Let me know what you think about this mouse and whether it's worth the money :)
there is no lag in games for me. It performs just as my old MX500 did. I love the weight and size of it, but I really do wish it was larger. I felt the size of my MX500 the other day and tiny compared to the MX1000.
if your happy with the 510 dont bother with the 1000. you wont notice any difference in the sensitivity. wait for the 518
I have the MX1000 and I have mixed feelings about it.

The precision is great....but not great(more later). The mouse is very sensitive, for example playing CS or something, the MX1000 at sensitivity 3 is like my older mx300 (or something forget the exact model) at sensitivity 10.

The weight and feel of the mouse is incredible. The wireless works flawlessly, and the mouse holds a charge for easily 2 weeks of normal use without charging (and if you remember to stick it in its charger once in a while you never have to worry about it at all).

Now for my gripes. First off, make sure you install the logitech software for the mouse. The mouse works without it, but I was having BIG problems with skipping (on any type of surface). I was just incredibly disapointed, whenever I tried to move the mouse slowly the cursor would jump all over the screen. Fast movements were incredibly precise, but slow deliberate movement resulted in very erratic behavior. Upon installing the actual logitech front end software most of the problems with the precision have been cleaned up. However, I still experience problems when moving the mouse very slowly (only minor skips and such, but it is enough to notice sometimes and annoy me). It also takes a lot of getting used to in games, and I have not yet decided whether the slight (and it is slight now that I have installed the logitech software) skipping problems I was experiencing in windows is causing any detrimental effects during my gameplaying (it feels like it might be).

Overall I have almost been tempted to leave my other mouse lying around to switch to when I play games because for some reason the mx1000 just doesn't feel like it lives up to its hype. The wireless and features of the mouse however are incredible. I hate using any other mouse for web browsing because of the buttons on the side for going back and forth on web pages...I feel lost without the extra buttons.

Overall, I have mixed feelings about the mx1000, if you are content with your current mouse I would say dont bother with the 1000.
thats weird, i dont install any drivers for my mx1000 and it doesnt do anything like u say. hmmmm, very weird i tell u. anyways, great mouse, no complaining here. im not very pickey when it comes to mouses though.
I don't own it, but that's for a reason: I'm waiting around until the laser technology becomes more refined. It's still in its infancy right now, which is probably the chief cause of all the problems I've heard of people having with the MX1000. Stick with yer MX500 for a year or two until the lasers get better.
I've had it since it came out. No skipping, no lag, works on just about any surface, great w/ CS, FC, HL2, Doom3, etc etc etc...
Love it. :D

Paired it w/ the Saitek Gamer's KB. Best KB/Mouse combo EVAR!!!
The only problem i ever have with my mx1000 is when a cat hair gets stuck near the laser and it causes some skipping, but that's not the mouses fault at all. That's mine.
I love the performance. But I hate the area where you put your thumb. I feel like it is constricted.

I gave it to my wife and reinstalled my MX700. :D
Erasmus354 said:
Overall, I have mixed feelings about the mx1000, if you are content with your current mouse I would say dont bother with the 1000.

I guess I'm actually extremely happy with my mouse, and don't really feel a need to change it. The reason I'm considering it is my Grandmother said for me to pick something out for my brithday (20th birthday next week) around $100 that can be displayed and/or used. Now I can't think of a thing that's around $100 that I can use or display, other than a mouse, perhaps some car models. Not sure what else I like (most of the stuff I want is either too expensive, or doesn't get displayed). So..... here I am... heh.
As a suggestion for an alternate gift(s)

Leatherman Multitool. The new Charge model looks pretty good.
I love the MX1000. No skipping or anything, until the battery gets extremely low, then I notice some lag, but thats obvious. Or when a hair gets stuck in the little laser thing, then it skips, but, thats obvious aswell and is easy to fix.

<3 MX1000.
i love mine, i would reccomend it to anyone. I have noticed (as some people complain) that when you pick it up there is a slight delay before it gets going again, (maybe half a second) but ive never noticed in actual gameplay or anything. Only when im looking for it, so all things concidered, i would give this mouse a 9/10 and wouldnt have any other mouse.
For those who are interested in how the MX518 did, I reviewed it here.

For gaming, I much prefer the MX518.. but apparently that may just be me. I am the type of person who lifts the mouse often, to get it back to the middle of the desk. I found that lifting it up, and setting it down again would shift my view ingame, and make it harder to continue walking, and would cause me to die more often.

Could be just me though.. maybe I am one of the few who actually lift their mouse off the desk. I don't watch too many people gaming, to see if they do the same thing or not.
I think I'll probably pass on the mouse, and get a new Waterblock, and NV Silencer 5. Thanks for all the opinions guys.

dargon said:
As a suggestion for an alternate gift(s)

Leatherman Multitool. The new Charge model looks pretty good.

Thanks for the suggestions, but just curious, what is it exactly?
Sorry for the bump of this old thread, but I am seriously considering getting one of these.
Does anyone else have any comments negative or positive for it?
sigmend said:
Sorry for the bump of this old thread, but I am seriously considering getting one of these.
Does anyone else have any comments negative or positive for it?

pos: comfortable, fast, no lag

neg: uummm?
rowbear62468 said:
pos: comfortable, fast, no lag

neg: uummm?

MX300 all the way :D

Seriously - I prefer a mouse that is easy to pick up & symetrical. The 'moulded' mice may come with loads of buttons etc, but they can be tricky to lift & reposition quickly. And anyway, usually better off with keymaps than mouse buttons. At the end of the day it's down to personal preference, I guess. :)
Get one, I have one and it is great, but you have to get a fill for it. I did have a $5.00 optical mouse and went to this, so it was a HUGE improvement. So iunno how big of a difference it would be for you.
Picked mine up at the staples sale a while back for around $60. Been pretty happy with it thus far and did not have any problems thus far with skipping.
my brother just bought one and i used it for awhile, cause his mobo is getting rma'd. I prefer the mx700, the shape of the mx1000 didn't go to well with me.
I also vote for the ergonomics!
The mx's shape is very comfortable and as for cords, I use a steelpad "cord holder" with my MX510.