Logitech Button issues.


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
This is my second logitech wireless Laser mouse. The first one lasted about a year or so this one maybe a little longer.

The first was a MX1000 the second a G7 both have had the same problem the right and left mouse buttons start acting flakey.

Unless you put a ton of pressure on the button it "releases" then clicks again. Causing you to "fire twice" or drop a window when resizing.

This a known issue with these mice?
Have you tried adjusting your double click speed in the control panel? I have a G7 and have never encountered the issue you describe.
Thats wierd Ive had logitech mice for years and thats the first Ive heard of that. Did you try calling Logitech, maybe they'll give you a new one
My MX1000 had that problem with the scroll wheel button, but the left/right buttons were fine and I did a lot of clicking with them.
I called up Logitech and had that and my 2 G15's replaced.
Nope maybe you put too much pressure on the mouse buttons to begin with ? they only need light clicks.

I've got 3 MX1000's none have had that problem (Note:- The reason for having 3 was the PSU kept popping and logitech just kept sending me new ones.
I've had it happen to several mice already, I think it's related to how much use you give them or how heavy a clicker you are lol. I just replace my mouse every so often. they don't tend to last much voer a year and i've tried several diferent ones.
There is zero doubt I have more than likely "abused" the left click button playing gams over the years. I am a pretty heavy clicker due to my hands being large and not having any mice that fit so the way my fingers sit i hit the button hard. But the right button I kinda go easy on.... not sure why it would go out.

Ill give them a call see if there is some sort of recall then if not Ill go grab a new one....

I love the logitech mice, they are the only ones that fit my hand.
This happened with my first G7 so I called them and they sent me a new one and so far that one works perfectly fine. I had a MX1000 that never had that problem before. Call Logitech and ask for a RMA.