logitech bluetooth problems...

Jul 12, 2005
recently, i donno exactly how, my logitech setpoint installed a firmware upgrade to my computer. now, the stuff didn't kick in for a few days, cause when stuff goes wrong on my comp i just log out instead of reboot, so the installed stuff was sitting dormant until one time when my comp flt especially sluggish. anyways, i rebooted and it tried to install my bluetooth wireless hub firmware from something called Wincomm, version anywho, now my dinovo lasermouse and keyboard wont respond. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling setpoint 2.6, but to no avail. bluetooth network places also isn't responding after all this, and the setpoint only comes up with this wired optical mouse i have as backup, and shows to connection settings for the bluetooth devices. anyone else having this problem? is there maybe a way to roll back the drivers or something? i'm sitting here typing away on an old wired keyboard and mouse and it's annoying the hell out of me that i can't suss what;s wrong. pelase assist. thanks. hope this is even the right place to ask this...
I am saddened by the lack of replies here. I too have had problems with various Logitech wireless bluetooth devices. MX series with keyboard and mouse combos especially. But I also have a Logitech notebook bluetooth mouse and it has problems maintaining a connection all the time. NO, its not the microwave. I also have done low end IT jobs of setting up PC's in offices hundreds of times and at this place they used Logitech bluetooth devices. THEY ALL had massive problems, even with the latest Logitech drivers online. The drivers helped somewhat, but the problems were still persistant as soon as we thought it was all fixed.

Botton line. Logitech bluetooth sucks. Maybe its all bluetooth devices, but I hope I am wrong.

Edit: I found this thread through a search and was hoping for some answers. But I have really had it with my Logitech notebook bluetooth mouse and I'm about to baseball bat this thing in the water resevour nearby. Need a solution now or this little mouse is bye bye.
The problem is the receiver. I've owned a couple different models; all of them had problems with lag and connectivity. Do yourself a favor, pickup a generic Bluetooth 2.0 receiver (with ERD). Using a wired keyboard and mouse (preferably PS/2), configure the Bluetooth adapter using the generic Microsoft Bluetooth Stack (drivers). Click on "Find Bluetooth Devices" and press the connect button on the bottom of the Logitech keyboard and mouse. It may take a couple of tries, but the generic Bluetooth adapter will eventually detect the mouse and keyboard properly. They should start working at this point. Next, download and install the latest non-Bluetooth SetPoint software. The Bluetooth SetPoint software has the Widcomm drivers included and will not install properly using your generic Bluetooth dongle. Finally, Reboot the computer and remove the temporary keyboard and mouse used for installation. Tada, your keyboard should function much better now. The only downside is that your Bluetooth keyboard will not work in legacy mode using the generic Bluetooth dongle. Keep the other keyboard and mouse on hand incase you need to access the BIOS and/or reinstall Windows…
The logitech notebook mouse I had did not come with a reciever. I had to buy my own. It was the MSI Starkey. It had the highest reviews overall and most number of reviews on Newegg's site. So... I really am at a loss right now.

I am only saying this for the record, I luckily have a friend who had a spare Logitech RF mouse. It was studdering in gaming but never in Windows. I'll see how it goes. Its a better mouse anyways :)
My experience matches Oregon's. I replaced the master device with a Linksys USBBT100 and removed all Logitech software, re-added the kb and mouse devices, and have had flawless operation since. This was the MX5000 kb/mouse set.

I also removed Setpoint. I lost a few frilly button features on the KB, which I personally never used. This satisfies me, but if you bought the KB for that nifty LCD display and special buttons it might not satisfy you.

Best of luck!
So let me get this straight, in order to get your Logitech wireless to work, you uninstall Logitech software? OMG Logitech you fucking blow.