local computer keylogger?


Dec 22, 2003
hey, i need a keylogger, basically my rents wanna spy on my sis, so just records when this user is on what the user types, any ideas?
You know, this is morally offensive. It's one thing for them to monitor her wither her knowlege, but another thing entirely to spy on her.

If they are ever to take action on what they find from the keylogger & let her know about it, they're pretty much thrown any chance of their daughter ever trusting or respecting them again down the toilet.
Originally posted by ameoba
You know, this is morally offensive. It's one thing for them to monitor her wither her knowlege, but another thing entirely to spy on her.

If they are ever to take action on what they find from the keylogger & let her know about it, they're pretty much thrown any chance of their daughter ever trusting or respecting them again down the toilet.

Or if they find something from 'spying' then they can tell her that they are going to start monitoring. That way they only indicate that they don't trust her (by telling her they are going to monitor her) after they know she is doing something they don't want her to do.
my family found out that my father was cheating on my mom this way. very uneasy to say the least
> That way they only indicate that they don't trust her after they know she is doing something they don't want her to do.

Yeah, because that's so honest!
Since I have no idea if your "rents" are the actual people who want to spy on your "sis," I'll instead recommend something like NetNanny or even--gasp!--Windows 2000 or XP with user accounts set up.

I set up a net monitoring program for my girlfriend's parents to keep an eye on their grandkids. It didn't work. Now, we just make periodic surprise checks on them to make sure they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. It works far better.

Overall, I see no sense in coming on here and asking for keylogging software. You're going to get a lot of inflammatory comments and you're going to get nowhere. Instead, tell your "rents" to be decent people and trust your "sis"--or tell them to sit within eyesight of her on the PC and keep watch over her.

BTW: It takes two extra keystrokes to type out "parents" rather than "rents," and makes you sound that much more intelligent. Why don't people do it?
Here's what you need to do.

1. If you are concerned about websurfing, either have parental supervision, or get software or a hardware router that will keep logs of all HTTP activity.

2. If you are concerned about chatting, find a chat client that creates logfiles, and log the content, WITH her knowledge. If someone knows they are being logged, odds are they wont do anything against the rules.

3. Spying isnt the option. And neither is trusting the kid with access to all content on the internet.

If you expect that the girl will do something wrong, there are more issues that need to be addressed, such as why won't she listen to parents in the first place.

Bottom line is that if you cant be sure that the child won't encounter something online that will offend you, only allow them to use the net with parental supervision, or strong browser rules that prohibit access to most questionable material. Even then, parental supervision is the best policy.

A computer in the room of a teenager with unmonitored internet access is not the best idea.
hey, well thanks for the comments but heres the situation, basically my sister has been sneeking out at night a lot latley, shes 14, and late is around 2-3, she goes and hangs around with her friends, basically they want to see when shes planning on doing this after i check the log and catch her on the way out, meh its family buisness, on a open forum, but oh well.
Originally posted by RuyZ
hey, well thanks for the comments but heres the situation, basically my sister has been sneeking out at night a lot latley, shes 14, and late is around 2-3, she goes and hangs around with her friends, basically they want to see when shes planning on doing this after i check the log and catch her on the way out, meh its family buisness, on a open forum, but oh well.

Well, I guess I can believe you.

Therefore, I have this excellent, sure-fire software for you. Let me see if I can find it...

Hang on, I lost the link. No, wait, here it is...

No, that's the report due tomorrow. Let me look at this one.

Nope, that's the research for my thesis. "The genetics of piglets" won't help you, will it?

Let's see... Oh wait, got it!

Tell your parents to be decent, normal parents and sit down with your sister and have a real, face-to-face chat.

Sheesh. If I ever met your parents I'd smack them with a cold trout.
hmm, nice one. oh wait, no its not.
you can think what you want, but they tried that before.
and dont respong unless its something usefull, and since i got one to work its gona be hard to be usefull...
slap her around, damn kids. In my day we had real parents who weren't afraid to take the hands on approach. Take away the computer why is she even allowed one when she is doing this? And how is she sneaking out? She live in the east wing while ur parents are in the west?
well, we live in a 3 story house, with MANY ways of getting out without anyone knowing, take away comp, sheel use cell, and so fourth, they just wanna use it to catch her on the way out
Originally posted by RuyZ
well, we live in a 3 story house, with MANY ways of getting out without anyone knowing, take away comp, sheel use cell, and so fourth, they just wanna use it to catch her on the way out

lol take away her cell she's what 14? Get your parents to do something constructive, a keylogger wont help sorry.
Originally posted by RuyZ
well, we live in a 3 story house, with MANY ways of getting out without anyone knowing, take away comp, sheel use cell, and so fourth, they just wanna use it to catch her on the way out

I hate getting into people's business, but I'm sure you guys have an alarm in the house, just set it at night, that way she'll set it off when she trys to leave... I agree with Torn, someone needs to slap your sister around a bit, and take away all forms of electronic communication with the outside world. They also need to think about sending her to a private school far enough away that she'll have to stay there, then I'd send her abroad for summer break. She is obivously never going to respect your parents, not if she's sneaking at to party with friends already. Hell, I was still afraid to skip school when I was a freshman...

I don't see how a keylogger would allow you to catch her sneaking out, since there won't be an easy way to monitor it, if it's local to her machine. I'd say it would be better to get her away from these friends of hers, the computer isn't the problem, they are...

Again, man, I'm sorry for getting in your business. I'm sure you have thought of all that before and can't get it to work. I feel sorry for your situation, seeing someone that I love destroying their life because of who they hang with, sucks. Best of luck, man.
Originally posted by RuyZ
hmm, nice one. oh wait, no its not.
you can think what you want, but they tried that before.
and dont respong unless its something usefull, and since i got one to work its gona be hard to be usefull...

Sorry bucko. You seem to be in the minority here.

Even the moderator agrees with me.

And if you'd read a little more closely, you'd see that my very first post in this thread gave you something useful--a suggestion to look into net monitoring software.

I'd suggest reading a little more closely next time.