Live Club- Sneaky, Sneaky Microsoft


Jan 15, 2004
I've gotten on the Live Club bandwagon lately- I mean, play games to win free stuff, what's not to love?

But I realized yesterday why Microsoft is doing this promotion...and it's really sneaky.

If you've played, then you know that entering answers in the games brings up a search result in MS Live Search in the bottom frame of the screen. Microsoft's doing this so that they can boost their search results so they can beat Google!:eek:

Sneaky, sneaky Bill Gates
That, and if people click the sponsored results Microsoft gets additional PPC revenue.

They are in it to make money, after all.
What does a few thousand searches from gamers mean vs the trillions of ones google gets...
They're just sad their "search engine-fu" isn't as popular as Google. I can guess (and probably correctly) that they aren't doing it to beat Google though. I would call that nearly impossible at any time in the short term. Raise awareness? Perhaps