Linux SMB file name issues


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2008
At my office we host several websites and internet facing services. I recently began hosting a Wordpress server for my bosses wife. Someone else designs and manages the site and has installed Virtualmin to run it.

My current issue revolves around running backups through the built in Virtualmin function. In order for Virtualmin to keep track of backups with a schedule and automatically delete old backups, it appears that the backups need to have a naming scheme that it can understand. For example,


I'd like to send these backups to a SMB share. However if i mount up a SMB share with CIFS it seems that it will not copy files that have a '-' or a ':' in it. I have no issues with permissions or rw any file except for those with a '-' or ':'. I'd really like to have the backups formatted this way.

Is there something I am missing here?
My bad, ":" isn't a valid char in a filename in the Windows world (SMB/CIFS).
No idea about the other one...