linux for newbies?


Limp Gawd
Mar 19, 2001
I am just wondering what is the best linux to get and learn on, I dont need to dual boot, because I will have 2 systems on a kvm switch.....
i am leaning on Suse 9.1 i like it, other people will have other opinions though. try a bunch
If you think you are up for it, a Gentoo stage 1 install will teach you a lot. You might screw up a time or two (I did), but it's great when you have everything up and running. Plus, the Gentoo Handbook is very good and will get you through it.
This isn't going to be all that different from a "what's your favorite distro"-thread, I think. :D
If you can stand some text-mode work and editing of (well commented) config files, FreeBSD isn't bad. Nice documentation, and you're going to get a certain feel for how things fit together. (Very few fancy front-ends that hide the inner workings.)
I personally use Debian & Slackware, but generally suggest Fedora to noobs.