Linux Cluster experiments


Dec 7, 2001
Want to experiment in clustering - but I cant find anything good on how one would start out, such as what distro, how to configure, how to get started, how to recompile programs to take advantage, etc...

Any ideas?
look for some posts by me on clustering, I worked on freebsd cluster of 5 486's earlier this year, and I am working on a netbsd cluster right now on the same machines. I can find link to several beowulf clusters that are linux powered for you later on tonight.

google search for beowulf clusters, or search for 'hrothgar' it is the name of a cool cluster
If you're just starting out with a cluster you might want to just stick with something simple. I got pretty interested in this a while back and I found the easiest way to get one up and running was to try openmosix. Very easy install on say redhat. It's the simplest form I've seen for setting up one. It may not be the most effective way, but I had fun playing with it.

Hope that helps.