Linux-Based Firewall/Security/VPN System


Feb 14, 2012
Hello [H],

I am looking to build a linux-based firewall system and am looking for suggestions. My hopes is that this system will:

* Provide a firewall barrier between my home network and the internet
* Provide antivirus protection for the entire network
* Provide an ipSec sVPN connection

The hardware I hope to use is a Pentium 4 system (Dell Opteron 8250) with 1GB of RIMM.

This build is completely new to me (not linux, but working to build a firewall/security system) and wanted to see if any of you have 'played' with this before.

Kindest Regards
pfsense seems pretty nifty. Think I'll throw that on a list to test.
Untangle seems to be "buy support to download." Think I'll avoid that.
Any thoughts on ipcop?
pfsense is not linux. I've been using it & it works pretty well.
I tried untangle & couldn't make heads or tails of it. I thought it was terrible.
This for home or business use?

Astaro (or soon to be called UTM9) has a home edition of their gateway SW that supplies everything you would need but the home edition is limited to 50 IP's.

(Called Sophos UTM since the company was purchased, but it used to be called astaro - support forums here:

This is for home use. Depending on how it turns out, might suggest it for the office however.
Have worked with Sophos a bit and have no complaints. I'll toss that up on the testing list as well. A limit of 50 IPs isn't going to hinder me a bit.

Robstar said:
pfsense is not linux. I've been using it & it works pretty well.
My hopes is to have a system that I can manage completely by web clients. From the screenshots it seems that pfsense is this way?
pfsense (which is in turn based off monowall, so you may want to check that out) seems pretty popular. Setting up a pfsense rig myself.
you dont have to buy the packages, they have free variations, untangle is worth every penny as a UTM when compared to others.

pfsense sounds like your best bet.
I've been playing around with Zentyal in a VM, pretty neat and if my current router goes Im going to use that
pfsense is based off of FreeBSD, just for reference.

smoothwall was cool a few years ago, but it seems like they've sorta died on the vine.
As stated above, pfsense is not linux, but quite frankly it's the best open source utm/firewall/vpn server/router/holy crap this thing is awesome os in existence. Cisco 5505? pffft, I'll take vlan trunking and full featured utm for a dollar Alex.