Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2004

I bought this about 4 months ago or less, its been working awsome till lately. All 3 computers that is running wired is getting good speeds except my 2 laptops and another pc that is running wireless. All the computers on wireless is running as slow as 56k or slower. I've turned off my cable modem and router, reset the router, updated firmware. Still slow. My laptops run fast when I'm at school so its not any settings on the wireless nics, its the router.

Could the router just die slowly all of a sudden? Also, there's no magnents, speakers or any new radio or wireless phones around the router.
Any other wireless networks show up in your area? If so, definitely make sure you're not on the same channel as them, and change your SSID from the default so you're not crossing over with any on the same SSID.
I have one of them that I'm getting my money back for. Same sort of problems except that I constantly lose wireless connectivity...
hmmm i wonder if this is a known issue... i went to 2 bestbuys, 2 compusa, 2 officemax, 2 office depots, all were gone... I think they pulled it off the market maybe?
MaMMa said:
hmmm i wonder if this is a known issue... i went to 2 bestbuys, 2 compusa, 2 officemax, 2 office depots, all were gone... I think they pulled it off the market maybe?

Not that I've ever heard, I've installed...I think 10 or a dozen of them so far. They work fantastic.

Holiday shelves may be empty.
Changed the SSID and channel, still slow as hell :( What else can I try?