linksys BEFSR41 r2 custom / hacked fimrware for bandwidth shaping?


I Have No Title
Jun 9, 2002
hi eveyrone! :)

I remember hearing rumors of a linksys custom or hacked firmware that allowed for bandwidth shaping, and when my girlfriend moved in she brought one of these routers with her. I currently run a D link DI-614+ and love it, it does everything I want save one thing... bandwidth shaping... I would like to know is there any truth to the rumors I remember hearing? if so, how reliable is this custom firmware? how about how good / configureable is this custom firmware compared ti the DI-614+? I don't use the wireless on my D link (yet)...

(NOTE TO MODS: I am not asking for links to / availability of said files/hacks/customizations/whatever, I am merely asking questions about them... if you still think this is against the rules, im sorry, I didn't think it would be... feel free to lock/delete thread if it is against the rules)
To the best of my knowledge hacking a device you own with new firmware isn't iilegal or against stated forum policy.

"Key Features:
* NoCatSplash -based captive portal
* Traffic shaping with Wondershaper+iproute2
* SSH and telnet management
* Wireless transmit power selection, client mode, Adhoc, WDS
* RSSI stats reporting for invidual clients
* Remote syslogging
thanks! but...none of my questions were answered, and this raises yet another, will that work on my router? mine is not the wireless one...
the befsr41 is not open source, and thus unhacked. hacking it WOULD be kind of illegal.

only routers with opensource linux as a base firmware have 3rd party mods..

the most popular is the WRT54G and 54GS. which are cheap and VERY MUCH worth the investment.