link to piledriver 8350 review

From the review:
.....But it has grown only little, wet dream of children and AMD fans has not been realized. IPC is increased up to a few percent.....

I blew my drink through my nose when I read that. AMD fans... oh, and of course children. LOL.
This is a duplicate thread. This exact review was already discussed in detail previously here.

Anyway, the non-trolling consensus seemed to be that this review may not be completely legit as the Trinity APU showed more promise with basic piledriver cores while supposedly the desktop piledriver release is to have more "enhanced" cores.
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wow...i read the articlet,,,,its the last desktop cpu from amd...that totally sucks, giviing intel a monopoly....i wonder if the government might file a monopoly motion against intel...that seems unfair, not to have competition
Odd they never clocked the FX8150 at 4GHz to compare clock for clock performance.