Lian Li PC-V1000B with water...

May 25, 2005
Now that I am considering water-cooling, I decided to get the Lian Li PC-V1000B. Reason for this being that it already has a 120mm intake and 120mm exhaust. However, would it be horrbile to only use a single fan radiator? I see people with these 3 fan setups on cases that only have room for one 120mm fan.. how do they do this? Or am I not seeing something?

Also, if I do somehow manage to put a multiple fan radiator on the front of my case, do I need other intake fans to get the ambient air out?
They put them in the top of the case. Also do yourself a favor and get the V2xxx series of cases as you will be much happier. :D Click me!
Oh, they put intake at the top? And then water-cooling at front?

I'm still confused about the triple fan radiator thing though.

Also, I would take your advice, but the case is way too big for me. I always wanted to build a computer smaller than my Alienware. Not bigger. :)
Wait... just to clarify, I didn't mean the fans that were for the radiator, I just meant other fans. To cool the rest of the system down.
what are you cooling? cpu? cpu and gpu? if it's just the cpu then a 120mm rad will be fine
i have a v1000b. i removed one of the drive bays and mounted a 120 heater core. blows the exhaust over my hard drives and down and out, i suppose. side off the case doesn't lower the temps more than 1-2 degrees. I'm cooling CPU and GPU using a the fan in my sig at 7v. 50C on load, 12v gets me 46.
dingobiatch said:
Wait... just to clarify, I didn't mean the fans that were for the radiator, I just meant other fans. To cool the rest of the system down.

Don't worry about how many fans you'll have other than the radiator fans. Go ahead and use the rear one. Remember all the little holes in the v-Series will allow for airflow and that the fans that are connected to the radiator will also do a decent job of moving air around in the case.
They put them in the top of the case. Also do yourself a favor and get the V2xxx series of cases as you will be much happier.

Yes, I bought hers....:) And all doesn't have to go in the top of the case...mines going inside above the psu (evo 240), with the second single 120 radiator in the front. (I'm reworking the HDD area)
Top Nurse said:
They put them in the top of the case. Also do yourself a favor and get the V2xxx series of cases as you will be much happier. :D Click me!
can you post a finished piccy of your case, as I an still struggling to find a way to fit 2 x evo 240 radiators into the V2100.

I am pretty much sold on the seperate lian-li (probably an old PC7) case as a place to put the 2 rads, and pump (and probably associated monitoring equipment), but if there is a better way then I'm open to suggestions
I decided on a different setup, but someone else took my suggestion. You can see it here. :D

Added: As you can see this 240 install leaves room in the top of the case for another Evo 240 + another 120mm in front bottom. :eek: :cool:
Here's mine.
If I were going to put a dual fan radiator (not like the fan sandwich i have going on here), I'd definitely go with the 2000 or 2100.
This case is cramped enough as it is.

