Lian-Li Lancool PC-K7B vs. Silverstone FT01B


Nov 25, 2008
I'm planning a Core i7 920 build and planning to overclock on air (using a Thermaltake Ultra-120) and run an EVGA GTX 280 along with it, and I need a little help picking a case to put it all in. I like the PC-K7B and the FT01B, but I'm having trouble deciding between the two.

K7B Pros:
- Saves me $100
- Fans aren't super quiet, but aren't that loud either (I've seen quotes of 27.64dBA)
- Standard size fans are easy to replace if they fail or if I want to find quieter ones
- Fans are 4-pin and thus can be regulated by the Asus P6T motherboard

FT01B Pros:
- Huge fans are quiet (rated at 18dBA)
- Top intake would probably allow me to run a Thermaltake Ultra-120 fanless
- Removal of the upper HD rack opens a direct air flow from the front fan to the GPU (fine w/ me, since I won't be running more than 2-3 drives)
- Comes with some noise reduction foam installed on the side panels (how much difference is this likely to make?)

I'm interested in keeping things as quiet as I can without sacrificing much performance. Of these two cases, which would you choose and why? If you wouldn't choose either, make another recommendation and defend it :)

the lancool k7b has a steel interior which may actually reduce noise because of its material. Hard to say, but I plan on getting the k7b were it not sold out on newegg.
I would get the FT01B. I'm a little partial to Silverstone, own the TJ10 myself and I have to say the craftsmanship and quality is excellent. So you have narrowed it down to only those two? I'd say you could probably find something with LL in the price range of the silverstone too. Even still, i like the silverstone case.
Yea, I just built a system using the FT01 and out of all the cases I own, this is by far my favorite. Cable management is awesome, the case is nearly inaudible, and overall it simply looks stunning, not to mention that cooling is fantastic. I highly recommend it!
The Lancool case is pretty sweet, If you look at the K10 is just a little more money, but comes with some sound proofing. Although The Lian Li B25 seems to do more for soundproofing. The Price is more in line with the Silverstone case too.

Not to make your day more difficult, but you might want to consider the new coolermaster case. I've been thinking about getting one, it looks to be a monster
I love the cases on this thread. I haven't looked into building a new machine for a while and these cases are all good. Are there any others that fit the mold - quiet, decent size with a sleek black look and good cooling?
GuyClinch, you pegged what I'm looking for in a case exactly: Quiet, cool, and sleek. None of that alien-mothership styling for me; no LEDs, windows or fluorescent lights. I'm also interested in keeping it relatively small - the FT01 is about as big as I'd want to go.

Another case that I really like is the Lian-Li PC-A05, but I'm worried that it would be a bit hotter and noisier than my other options. The size is really attractive though - just enough for an ATX motherboard with a big CPU cooler, A couple graphics cards, and a few hard drives. I have no need for 7+ 3.5" and 4+ 5.25" bays.

At this point I think I'm leaning towards the Silverstone FT01B, but I probably won't be building until after the holidays, so I have plenty of time to deliberate :)

I use the Lancool K10B its a wonderful case. The top mounted I/O bay has a very nice spread (Firewire, plenty of USB, eSATA, and headphone+MIC). This is great because I have it sitting at my feet, so no more bending over. It also has a removeable motherboard tray for easy installations, and someone else already mentioned the soundproofing. It also easily fits long-as-hell graphics cards like 9800GTX/GTX260/GTX280.

My only beefs with the case is that the hard drive cage and front intake fans are not easy to work with. I owned an Antec case before this one, and on that one the HDD cage slid right out after undoing a single thumb screw. With Lancool, you have to first undo 4 tiny screws to get the front panel off, then an additional 4 at the front, and another 4 under the case. Only after you get the cage off, which feels very flimsy when its not screwed down, can you actually get to the front intake fans. Those tiny screws are not sturdy either. Its extremely easy to strip the screw heads if you apply too much torque. On the Antec case, the front intake fan was mounted in a dedicated, screwless bracket, so switching out fans was stupid easy.