LG 27inch 2560x1080 Ultrawide Freesync - What card to buy?


Limp Gawd
Sep 26, 2006
Hey all,

I have always had Nvidia cards in my PCs so I am absolutely clueless when it comes to AMD. I did however get a great deal on this ultrawide and I know that freesync is currently a AMD only option as Nvidia is not opening their cards to it. If I were to get a AMD card that is better than a GTX 560 which one would you all recommend to provide a higher level of performance but not cost a fortune?

I definitely do not want to spend $250 or more and would prefer under $200 with 4g of ram as I heard you want to be at that level for future proofing.

Future proofing is a fools errand, but for ~$200 a 380 or 380x should be the best buy. 290/390 if deals permit.
If it were me and I wanted to stick to $200, I'd go for a used 290. You should find them plentiful for around 200, many with good after-market cooling. Go for a used 290x for around $250 if you want some extra power. Would highly recommend a 290 or 290x as it will keep you happy at that resolution where a lower card would really struggle in some games. Worth noting the 290/290x are essentially the same cards as 390/390x with 4GB less vram.

If not a used 290(x), go for a new 280/380. But again, you're going to struggle at 2560x1080 in some games at high IQ.

On a side note, you should be very happy with Freesync. I've been using both Gsync and Freesync (they work pretty much the same) for the past year and would never go back to a "regular" monitor.
Thanks. So a 290 - 390 (X). I'll keep checking for deals on non reference ones. Appreciate the help and I am excited to use the free sync.
used amd 290 is my vote. Love that GPU