We all know the big buzz phrase this year is SDDC, Software Defined Data Center. With that comes a necessary transition away from how traditional network services are delivered, especially in a Virtualized Infrastructure.
One of the more obvious acquisitions was VMware's purchase of Nicira, but what does this really mean on a hardware front? It seems too me that VMware may be distancing itself from some of its core networking partners by removing control and functionality
to software running in the virtualized stack away from the actual physical network devices themselves. While I realize that some of this is already being done with the vCloud Networking & Security product, IMHO this move will make the functionality in core network devices go away? I can see future physical network infrastructure "dumb" devices that will handle Layer 1 and 2 with core network services handled at the virtual layer down to the VM at some point.
How will network hardware vendors stay competitive? Cisco, HP, etc? The only way I see it is that they need to bring their own set of software based solutions, Cisco, of course seems to be grasping that to some extent, however the other vendors aren't really bringing anything to the table.
Should be interesting to see how this will play out. A pretty good video here:
One of the more obvious acquisitions was VMware's purchase of Nicira, but what does this really mean on a hardware front? It seems too me that VMware may be distancing itself from some of its core networking partners by removing control and functionality
to software running in the virtualized stack away from the actual physical network devices themselves. While I realize that some of this is already being done with the vCloud Networking & Security product, IMHO this move will make the functionality in core network devices go away? I can see future physical network infrastructure "dumb" devices that will handle Layer 1 and 2 with core network services handled at the virtual layer down to the VM at some point.
How will network hardware vendors stay competitive? Cisco, HP, etc? The only way I see it is that they need to bring their own set of software based solutions, Cisco, of course seems to be grasping that to some extent, however the other vendors aren't really bringing anything to the table.
Should be interesting to see how this will play out. A pretty good video here:
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