Less than 24" non-TN panels?

Patrick Bateman

Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2007
What are some good non TN panels under 24"? I can't seem to find any that aren't old.

I was in Best Buy and the 24" panels just look too big. Perhaps that's because I'm out of a desktop PC atm and have been using a 15.4" laptop for a few months. Did any of you guys feel that way at first but then grew onto your 24" purchase.
How can a monitor be too big? If I had a ton of extra cash on hand, I'd get a 3008WFP in a heartbeat. 24" is a great size IMO, I thought it was huge at first but after a while it just started looking normal. I'm back to my 20" viewable CRT now because I needed money and I can still imagine the extra 4" to the side that it brought, so nice.

1920x1200 is another great reason, full 1080p.
I am after a 24'' panel myself at the moment and after looking at a few of them compared to 20'' in high street shops I must say that they look awesome and have the feeling that they're just right. Not too mention resolution :)
Anyway if you want to search for monitors prad.de has a ver nice tool here. You can specify the size and panel type. Very easy and helpful.
Got some input lag results for Lenovo L220x.
Basing to 18 measurements done by one user lag varies from 16 to 47ms and average is 29ms. (only three of 18 above 32ms)
Not bad at all for VA-panel display and doesn't loose much to slowest TNs when compared to what little reviews we have with lag measurements.
Here in Europe and Finland it's well cheaper than good 24" TFTs.
One user estimated that 24" models with same image quality cost something like double so for me that's definitely rather nice price now that Samsung 959NF seems to be "approaching homestretch" at increasing speed.

Of course there aren't much any relation in prices on different sides of Atlantic (Euro is ~1.45USD and there's some permanent electronics discount in US) but cheapest prices for that Lenovo are around 500, for comparison BenQ FP241W which should be quite good (just sRGB gamut vs Lenovos 92%) is about 200 more expensive.