Left 4 Dead Free Trial

I agree, this game is awsome.

Really depends on your team, I pug alot and found 1 team, everyone used their voice chat, stayed in constant contact and covered, we managed to beat expert fairly well
Yes finding good people is hard, i even made the point once of checking before hand using the chat box to see if anyone did any noobish things like setting off car alarms deliberately, cannot stand that.

on expert level you don't usually find such things but it can happen.
I love Valve games but didn't know what to make of L4D...I've played a bunch of Source zombie mods but I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded of a few things, modders are great, but Valve is the master...very professionally done...

Probably my favorite part is how it actually forces you to BOND with the players you work with. It doesn't matter how good you are, a zombie is GOING to grab you, sneak up on you...you are screwed...but suddenly the zombie's head explodes because a total stranger has got your back. The more it happens then more you come to rely on people, this is really in my opinion is what gaming is all about...

This game reminds me of 28 Days later...I know the developers saw that movie...
When I first fired up the game I didn't like it, but that was single player. So today I played it online with random people and had a way better time. Nobody was using voice chat and nobody was really talking either, but it was still fun. Now with a good team and voice chat it would be that much better.
Yeah agreed on voice chat. CS:S you can probably go rogue, but for a game like this communication is critical. Wouldn't mind if they added some default phrases tho (e.g. hold this position, watch your back, incoming).

Or I just get a mic haha.
The "Look" radio kinda changes depend on what you're aiming at. It may help for the "watch your back" or "incoming". There's also "Be careful". They recorded a crapload of voice for this.
Speaking of voice chat... what are yout recommendations for headsets? I like my surround system but want something that will let me talk as well. I tried the XBox controller for windows, but it seemed to pick up way too much noise. Are there any good designs for the PC that don't require me to use their earphanes as well?
Speaking of voice chat... what are yout recommendations for headsets? I like my surround system but want something that will let me talk as well. I tried the XBox controller for windows, but it seemed to pick up way too much noise. Are there any good designs for the PC that don't require me to use their earphanes as well?

honestly, I have a surround sound set-up, and I use a mic that just sits on my desk and it works amazing.

Its not really a boom mic as it doesnt stand up, its just small (3" wide and mabey 2" long)and meant to sit on top of your monitor but wow does it ever work well.

I think it came with a motherboard
I'm using a 5 dollar Labtec Desk mic that people use for conferences/meetings, looks like a small silver disk...works great.
Speaking of voice chat... what are yout recommendations for headsets? I like my surround system but want something that will let me talk as well. I tried the XBox controller for windows, but it seemed to pick up way too much noise. Are there any good designs for the PC that don't require me to use their earphanes as well?

Pick up a nice webcam.

I purchased a Logitech QuickPro 9000 for $70 and the mic works fantastic in games. It doesn't echo/pick up noise.
Pick up a nice webcam.

I purchased a Logitech QuickPro 9000 for $70 and the mic works fantastic in games. It doesn't echo/pick up noise.

That's a good thought - I have Logitech's immediate predecessor to the QP 9000, only it has been attached to my work computer for Skype use. Hmmm.....
Anyone with a mic want to play? Pigwalkarg under steam, drop a line.
Definitely worth the download. The teamwork is very necessary. Good variety of zombies to deal with. Great to play with a small group of friends.
It helps if you direct your teammates. It gets the ball rolling on communication, and most will happily follow your lead. When everybody's on the same page the team works much more efficiently. PUGs suffer from excessive clean-up, those harmless zombies staring into the corner use up time and ammo, and the AI director dumps giant ambushes on you for wasting time. If you tell teammates to get moving and fall in, the group sticks tighter and moves faster and safer.
This game is awesome! I can't wait for the full version.

I just crashed my game by throwing a pipe bomb in a horde of 30 zombies hahaha

Steam name is Mr_M1y461 if you want to add me.
wow I gotta say valve lives up to its name. Downloaded demo at 2.5megs/second, and runs at constant 100 fps (think it's capped even with vsync off) at 1680x1050 max in game settings w/ AA and AF. Game is very fun, and takes team work. Definitely buying.
Hey what kind of FPS are you guys getting?

It seems that the demo defaulted to 2x AA, 4x AF - native res 1920x1200. The absolute max I saw is probably 75FPS in the beginning, but once I started moving, it dipped to basically 55-65FPS. Is this about right with what others have?

And I haven't tried the mat_queue setting, if that helps.
Yes finding good people is hard, i even made the point once of checking before hand using the chat box to see if anyone did any noobish things like setting off car alarms deliberately, cannot stand that.

on expert level you don't usually find such things but it can happen.
You have to talk constantly on the mic, or you will die. I have two other friends that I play with (all mic'd up) so we usually just grab someone from a pub game that has a mic and bring them in.

I find that a lot of people still haven't grasped the concept that ZOMBIES LIKE SOUND AND LIGHT! If you crouch and move around in the shadows without your flashlight, you can avoid having to kill every zombie in sight.

The game has some balance issues though. Pushing zombies is extremely effective... in fact it's too effective. I can't stand the fact that, on expert, a zombie can eat a whole clip from the SMG while charging at you, but will die from three melee whacks. In fact, as long as all of the zombies are in front of you, you can just stand still and keep pushing them until they die without losing any health.

The special enemies are pretty cool. There are hunters, boomers (slimers), witches, gassers (tongue things) and the steroid-injected thing that only showed itself once, took out my entire team, and never appeared again. I find the tongue things to be pretty annoying and stupid, but I'm a fan of the other enemies. Here's hoping that the mod community makes a Gabe Newell boomer skin!!

With a Radeon HD4870 1gb, I use 4xMSAA (box filter, so standard AA) and 16xAF at 1920*1200. For the most part, the game stays consistent at 60fps, with the odd drop. I haven't seen a noticeable slowdown though.

My Steam ID contains my name so I don't want to post it... but if anybody is interested in playing feel free to PM me your SteamID. You could also try looking up noobman5000 (my steam community name) but I'm not sure if that would work.
Hey what kind of FPS are you guys getting?

It seems that the demo defaulted to 2x AA, 4x AF - native res 1920x1200. The absolute max I saw is probably 75FPS in the beginning, but once I started moving, it dipped to basically 55-65FPS. Is this about right with what others have?

And I haven't tried the mat_queue setting, if that helps.

Getting the same results, I've got a pretty much an identical match to the computer in your sig, except your processor is faster. Is 55-65fps somehow not enough? o_O
getting near constant 60 fps on my rig. only have 1 3870x2 in at the moment. can't wait to build a nahalem system with a 4870x2 soon though.
Getting the same results, I've got a pretty much an identical match to the computer in your sig, except your processor is faster. Is 55-65fps somehow not enough? o_O

lol I was thinking the same thing.

I'm getting 50-60fps on both the rigs in my sig 1 at 1920x1200 the other 1680x1050 and it plays great.

If you are having terrible download speeds with steam, get a program that you can manually disconnect your TCP/UDP connections.

If your intarwebs just blows. Fix it!

I used TCPview and that let me do it.

Steam's load balancing blows
I pre-ordered the game when it was available and have been playing the demo since it was released (for people that pre-purchased it, the demo was available a week early). Even though it is only two stages and I constantly play them over and over, it is still very fun. :)

Also, knowing Valve is the company that created it gives a huge bonus. We all know good things will come (maybe even more maps).
For those who haven't played it yet, here are some videos and screenshots from the demo. I pre-ordered last month so I've been playing this recently.

5 Survivors + Infinite Zombies
This is my friend playing with zombie spawning set to constant and infinite. Fun stuff. :D

Tank Gameplay
Gameplay vid of my friend playing as the Tank zombie boss. (Using console commands to enable that option in the demo)

I startled the Witch (and set her ass on fire too). I was so startled

Train Massacre

Zombie Gang Bang

A Boss Zombie Killing Me

Say "Cheese"

Playing As The Tank

Zombies Swarm Grenade

Zombies In Room

Zombies Swarm Roof

All screenshots taken at 1680x1050 with Max settings, 4x AA, 16x AF with just one 8800GT. (scaled images down 50%) This should give you an idea of how the game runs, even with tons of zombies. Also, the game was set to zombies forever for the most part and 2 of us played as zombie bosses for fun.
Sweet jesus what's the command(s)? Sounds like something to do to make a kick ass friday night.
...setting off car alarms deliberately, cannot stand that.
That's actually kind of funny. But if you're about to die, then not so much.

You have to talk constantly on the mic, or you will die. I find that a lot of people still haven't grasped the concept that ZOMBIES LIKE SOUND AND LIGHT! If you crouch and move around in the shadows without your flashlight, you can avoid having to kill every zombie in sight.
I broke my old Zalman mic, but this game will probably force me to get another. Playing w/ guys that use voice gets one much farther in the game on expert level. Agreed about the lights. Most people I've played w/ just run around killing EVERYONE oblivious to the "F" key. :-( Then again it's kinda funny watching someone who's obviously not played the game much. Just as we all died, the last survivor came across a witch and ran right up to her guns blazing, lol.
I can't remember my fucking secret answer to my Steam account so i'm fucked. :mad:

EDIT: Nvm, I just took a random shot outa memory and it worked! DL demo now and see what the fuss is all about
god damn it i guess i am going to have to dl the demo tonight and probably spend another $50 on ANOTHER game lol.... this is getting exspensive.... $170 in video games in the past 3 weeks :( oh well i am having fun :p



After seeing this video

It's on like Donkey Kong

pre freakin ordered
The special enemies are pretty cool. There are hunters, boomers (slimers), witches, gassers (tongue things) and the steroid-injected thing that only showed itself once, took out my entire team, and never appeared again. I find the tongue things to be pretty annoying and stupid, but I'm a fan of the other enemies. Here's hoping that the mod community makes a Gabe Newell boomer skin!!
The only time I got the steroid thing he punched me onto the ledge in that stairwell and ignored me for my ally AIs. Went down easy. :/

Ill wait for the next lan, I think, before buying the full game. Its not my style of game.
Yes finding good people is hard, i even made the point once of checking before hand using the chat box to see if anyone did any noobish things like setting off car alarms deliberately, cannot stand that.

on expert level you don't usually find such things but it can happen.

If you have a pipe bomb, set off the car alarm on purpose, wait a second, then throw the pipe bomb. Massive kills.
Yes, but the reason one guy did it was because he thought he would escape down the stairs to the safe room, the problem is i and others have had the case where the zombies rush from the safe room area so you end up getting sandwiched and dieing.

It is just not funny, call me a miserable git but car alarms should be avoided IMO, same as witch. When the full game comes out i am not wanting to have to needlessly start over because someone has the maturity of a toddler.

"OMFG, look a button, lets press it"
holy freaking crap this game is AWESOME!!

only complaint is stupid ppl who like to keep their flashlights lit all the time
Yeah this is pretty sweet. I put up a dedicated server just for shits and giggles too. its Sorrow's L4D I've got Fios so it should run great for people. I'll try to leave it up till the release hehe

I can't wait to see ther est of this game!
How To Use Zombie Bosses In The Demo
- Open your console with the ~ key.

- Type "sv_cheats 1" - Snables cheats

- Type "ent_fire !self setteam 3" - Join the Infected team

To Spawn As Bosses, Use
z_spawn tank
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn hunter

Call Horde Of Zombies

Infinite Hordes of Zombies
director_panic_forever 1

There are also commands to change the min and max nmber of zombies...you can use thousands, but it'll lag the game. :p Enjoy!
How To Use Zombie Bosses In The Demo
- Open your console with the ~ key.

- Type "sv_cheats 1" - Snables cheats

- Type "ent_fire !self setteam 3" - Join the Infected team

To Spawn As Bosses, Use
z_spawn tank
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn hunter

Call Horde Of Zombies

Infinite Hordes of Zombies
director_panic_forever 1

There are also commands to change the min and max nmber of zombies...you can use thousands, but it'll lag the game. :p Enjoy!

God I love Valve engine. I only played it the other night, but was able to instantly tweak lots o crap.

cl_showfps 1 or cl_netgraph 1 are nice too.