Left 4 Dead, 7800gt


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2005
Hey guys,

I am deciding whether or not to get Left 4 Dead. It is getting great reviews from what I have read. In your educated opinions, do you believe my E4500, 2gb RAM, and 7800GT can handle this bad boy, or will it be unplayable?

Its definitely playable on my c2duo w/ ATI x800 GTO at1650*1080 with most of the eye candy down. Looks fine. I doubt you'll have a problem
In short, yes your computer will be able to run it. Probably not max settings depending on your resolution etc.

I can run L4D on my old rig in my sig, but in 1280x1024 with lower settings, if that helps you any.
If it can run TF2, L4D will most likely run better than that since it allows for multi-core out of the box. Honestly, L4D isn't all that graphically advanced in comparison to something like HL2: Episode 2 from last year. Granted, when you're fighting wave after wave of zombies, there's very little time for sight seeing.

Also, Fun factor is paramount compared to graphics (grimaces at Crytek).
you may experience slowdowns if you pickup a propane tank while low on health, run into a zombie crowd with low hp, get spit on by a boomer, yanked by a smoker, surrounded by all zombies and finally pounced on while screaming at your friends on your mic to SHOOT ME while holding tightly the propane tank and the tank subsequently explodes.

Rig in sig kinda went blarghhh and locked the first time I did that, but I had background things happening on my rig too so I'm more to blame lol
I was playing the game at 1280x720 on my 42" Panasonic Plasma with my old HTPC .
P4 2.6ghz, 2GB ram, ATI X1950Pro AGP.
It played great.
Just try the demo first?

can you show link for demo download, I couldn't find it last night even on STEAM.

I wonder if I can bump the settings a bit higher with SLI 7800GT's?!?!

Also does this game have SP, or only MultiPlayer? Sorry to intrude on the OP's thread. but figure this is better than creating a new one.
the demo is over, just go get it, it will run on that rig.
its source engine, so if tf2, css, dods run on your computer ok, then so will this,.
my son runs all these games on my old opty [email protected], 2 gigs ram, 6800 ultra..
you will not regret it for one second!
can you show link for demo download, I couldn't find it last night even on STEAM.

I wonder if I can bump the settings a bit higher with SLI 7800GT's?!?!

Also does this game have SP, or only MultiPlayer? Sorry to intrude on the OP's thread. but figure this is better than creating a new one.

You can play single player. There are 4 campaigns which take about an hour each on normal while taking your time.
I played for 2 hours last night in VS mode, 4 survivors VS 4 infected, which is fun if your team sticks together.

I also played 2 of the campaigns as well for another 2 hours.
Game is very fun, and there are achievements as well.
s[H]aqFU;1033343435 said:
the demo is over

Ah, Haven't loaded steam up in a few days, I thought the countdown was till the real version was released, not until the demo expired.
I'll tell you exactly. Here are my specs:
AMD x2 2.5GHz

At 1280 x 1024 with these settings I always had an FPS of 30 or more, usually around 45-50. It never once dipped below 30 and even getting near 30 was rare.
Medium shader
high shadows
high (the option after that, i forget what it was)
high system pool or something

You'll be fine if you run with similar settings to mine above.
You'll be fine. I ran it on my secondary computer. It's a low end dual core (e2100 or something like that) with 1 gb memory and a x800gto. Ran fairly well at 12x10 resolution and detail settings slightly lower than full detail.
Roommate plays on a 7900GT(somethin') just fine. He should tone down the eye candy juuuust a hair IMO, but I'm pretty picky about my framerates.
E6600 @ 2.8
4gb of ram

I get VERY playable frames even at 1920 x 1200. Granted, I do have most settings at med/high with no AA. I only get some slowdown with my flashlight shining at large, large hordes of zombies in my face.
It'll do fine. I recently bios'ed and updated a friends computer - singlecore 3500+, 1gb ram, 7800gs - and it ran nice and smooth in 1280x1024 with a bit of eyecandy turned off. Killer game