Learning Linux from BEGINNING


Limp Gawd
Jun 26, 2005
OK, So I have never used Linux before and I want to learn it. Is my best bet to go to a bookstore and buy a Linux book, or are the online things okay? Also, which distro is the best to begin with? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I got most of my knowledge from asking questions on forums. On the other hand, I can usually understand these type of things the first time. Sometime with a bit more explanation.
The easiest would be to install some distro, and try using it for different things. Whenever you wonder how to do something, look around, and ask somewhere (e.g. the linux forum here) if you really can't get it to work on your own. Learning how to find how to do something is at least as important as learning how to do it.

This way, you get a sort of working knowledge first. When you feel reasonably familiar with the basics, decide on something you don't know and try to learn a bit about it. (Shell scripting is a good place to start.)

I'd suggest installing whatever you think looks interesting, the basics are the same anyway.
(I like FreeBSD, and it is a good place to learn things. There are some differences from linux to be aware of, though.)
I'd also suggest the FreeBSD handbook. Some of the sections are worth reading even if you use a linux, such as the one explaining the architecture of X.
Will the fact that I don't know how to write code or any if at all command line stuff keep me from being able to do things. Where should I go about that?
you can try a live distro, like knoppix. All you have to do is burn the ISO to a disc, and boot from it. once you're finished booting, you're in a fully operational linux environment complete with a windows-like GUI, and linux versions of your favorite programs!
Being able to code isn't as important as understanding how linux works. The command line, while extremely powerful and feature filled, isn't necessary. Just find a distro that uses Gnome or KDE, and it'll feel just like a windows box (mostly).

If you're interested in learning how to use linux, go to teh book store and purchase a Linux+ certification cram book. It might not be easy at first, but as you read through, and follow the examples, you'll get the hang of it. Not only that, but you'll be learning the material it would take to pass the Linux+ cert exam. :) That's always a bonus.

My personal advice is this: Take your time, be patient, and don't be afraid to reinstall. Also, while on the command line, there is this beautiful thing called "man." You append any command with man (such as "man ls") and it'll pull a big list of options and will usually explain what the command does and how it works. Not everything has the manual, but most do. :)

enjoy your romp in Linux, it's worth the time and effort to learn.
Thanks for all of your help. Finally, if I want to dual boot how should I do this? First here's my situation. I have an older Compaq Presario that I want to use as a file/music server, possibly a tv tuner, and maybe a Linux learning box. If I were to dual boot Windows and Linux, whats the best way for me to do this? Also, is the AMD 900 in that box gonna be OK with these expectations?
while I'm not going all out. I'm using a virtual machine and loading Ubuntu linux on that. It allows me to play with linux while at the same time keep my windows up at all times if I need it for quick research.

It is difficult, but remember to google as well as look at wiki's. Ubuntu has a good wiki as well as a few linux sites.
zwbuntster said:
Thanks for all of your help. Finally, if I want to dual boot how should I do this? First here's my situation. I have an older Compaq Presario that I want to use as a file/music server, possibly a tv tuner, and maybe a Linux learning box. If I were to dual boot Windows and Linux, whats the best way for me to do this? Also, is the AMD 900 in that box gonna be OK with these expectations?
For dual boots you can always use a booting utility like Boot Magic but, I havent used Linux in a long time. Too busy most of the time now to dick with it. Are there any good places to download a reliable version of it? If we get snow I may have some time to play.
As far as dual booting and ease of use, SuSe works very well. It also loads it's own boot-loader so you don't have to bother with setting up a dual-boot environment. It's very nice, and works well. Ubuntu, so I've heard, is very good. I haven't used it personally, but it's supposed to be very user friendly. You might want to check that out. they also ship install CD's for free, or at least they used to.

Hmm, if you're going to be dual booting, install windows first, and then install linux. Be careful not to install over your windows partition (it shouldn't let you, but hey, shit happens sometimes).

The requirments for linux can be very very minimal. Obviously, it'd be best to start off with a GUI like Gnome or KDE. A 900mHz AMD should be enough to run any distro of linux. If not, then don't install it. Linux.org has a ton of info as well as links to various other linux materials. The linux forum here on the [H] is very cool, read it.

All in all, you need to approach this with a clean slate. Keep your mind open, and read read read. Don't be afraid to mess with stuff either. If it fails, who cares. :)
do you want to install windows first and then linux for dual booting??
Depends on the distro you use, as to whether or not the computer will be able to handle it.

Also, yeah, I've always installed Windows first, and then linux. Makes life easier.
zwbuntster said:
I guess its actually a K6 533MHZ.Is that enough? Thanks again for the help.

You can run a at sub 100mhz speeds, I had a router running Slackware on a 133 for some time. Granted it took forever and I didn't use X, it still ran.

Personally, I suggest getting used to *not* using X. Not only is the command line more powerful than X, some things are actually easier to do. If you can, I also agree with getting a CD-Bootable distro such as Knoppix and just getting used to Linux. I went with learning linux the "hard" way (installing, screwing up, reinstalling, screwing up, etc) and while it was a good learning experience, it would've been nice to just muck around a bit and just reboot.

Last but not least... read, read and read. www.linuxnewbie.org is a good place to check out.
I just downloaded a knoppix iso and put it on a disk. posting from it right now. quick and easy.
I've tried to play around with linux a bunch of times myself. I remember back when I was new with windows and didn't know what the heck I was doing. I have some knowledge from that and it carries over, but there's still so much to learn. Keep plugging along.
I went and bought one of those Linux magazines from the bookstore that comes packaged with a distro (SUSE) and it basically breaks down every aspect of instllation. The 5 discs also come with all kinds of apps for Linux, too. I'd recommend that.

I'm out to Fry's right now to pick up a mobo to finish my build for my Linux box,. It's basically only going to be a jukebox/typewriter/learning tool. We'll learn together, hehe.
Sieravor said:
If you're interested in learning how to use linux, go to teh book store and purchase a Linux+ certification cram book. It might not be easy at first, but as you read through, and follow the examples, you'll get the hang of it. Not only that, but you'll be learning the material it would take to pass the Linux+ cert exam. :) That's always a bonus.

My personal advice is this: Take your time, be patient, and don't be afraid to reinstall. Also, while on the command line, there is this beautiful thing called "man." You append any command with man (such as "man ls") and it'll pull a big list of options and will usually explain what the command does and how it works. Not everything has the manual, but most do. :)

enjoy your romp in Linux, it's worth the time and effort to learn.

I would second all that!
My suggestion is to do a dual boot with your current windows install and linux. My personal favorite distro is Ubuntu (thought I technically use kubuntu because I like KDE a lot better than gnome, but it's still ubuntu underneath). Anyway Ubuntu has an excellent set of forums at www.ubuntuforums.org, and the users are very active and helpful.