Leadtek A6600 GT TDH Insufficient power problem


Jun 19, 2005
I Just got a Leadtek A6600 GT TDH, sometime when I boot my computer i will get the low power window telling me it has lowered my cards performance. The window ill keep poping op and i will have 50 or so of them to close. I can usly restart my computer a few times and get it to start with the card going into low power mode. I have the card on its own molex string. My system has 2 optiacal drives, 1 SATA HDD, No floppy, and 5 case fans.

ASUS A7N8X 2400+
1 GB of RAM (1) 512 stick and (2) 256 sticks in Dual Channel Mode, All Corsair XMS 3200LL
Leadtek TV card

My power supply is an Antec True 430, with a single 12+ rail rated at 20A

Also I have tried cleaning off all old drivers and reinstalling new ones. So Should this power supply be enuff or do i need a new one? If so how about this one, Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-500.

thats what i thought, is there a easy way to check that, or should I just try to contact antec with my problem?

Thanks again
What your Video setting? When i play game on my 23inch widescreen @ 1600x1200 i get that error. Then i lower the setting and work fine.
antec smartpower 500 is not worth it b/c u can get a 480watt truepower 2 for 79 bucks... but anyways... have you tried reconnecting the molex for ur videocard?
I have hooked it up to a few driffent molex strings to see if it would hep but I still get the error. As far as settings it usally on comes on when i boot up and my screen rez is 1024X 768. So i know thats not the issue. I liked the Antec Smartpower 500 as it has some modular cables. Does the 480 have those as well?
I went ahead and sent a eamil to Antec support with a description of the problem. I curious to see if they tell me its a problem with the video card :) Oh well I'll see.

Has anyone delt with Antec support? Im curious if they will want me to send in the PSU for them to check before they send me a new one. If they cover it at all.
yah they will send u a new one if u didnt open up the one you have now already. yah hte 480w truepower-2 has some modular/sleeved cables.... but you shouldn't buy a new PSU anyways..the one you have will run the system u have now just fine so no need in spending anymore..just RMA it, Antec support/RMA is supposely very good.