LCD TV with 120hz input?


Jan 27, 2006
I know that a lot of the hdtv's out there that say they're 120hz won't actually take anything higher than 60hz as an input, they just do frame duplication or interpolation...are there any out now that will take a real 120hz input? Thanks!
Unfortunately no, and most likely there wont be for looong time since its not their main focus.
Surely 3D TVs will accept 120Hz via HDMI 1.4?

No, because they don't have to. Blu-Ray 2D is limited to 24Hz. Blu-Ray 3D needs only 48Hz, sort of (see this article, it's a bit complicated). This is what TV manufacturers make TVs for.

If you could ask a 3D TV designer to support 120Hz from the video source, they would look at you like you were crazy and ask why on Earth would you want to do that? You must understand that PC gaming is of utterly no significance to TV manufacturers. They have no idea that miniscule niche market even exists, and wouldn't care if somebody told them about it because there's not enough money in that market to justify making one.
Will be just like all the other 120Hz LCD TVs - won't take 120Hz from the video source. And:

"Panel Technology SPVA (P-DID)"
It won't happen for a long time because there is such a division between consumers, bureaucrats, and engineers. I would think it's mainly the engineers making a big stink about the effort. HDMI is really the only accepted standard in the consumer world anymore. HDMI has plenty of bandwidth to support 1080p120, despite what some morons out there might claim. The standard just needs to be penciled in. Until that happens, don't hold your breath on any TV getting a 120 Hz input. It's just like the fools who say that TOSLINK or S/PDIF doesn't have the bandwidth to support new lossless codecs or multichannel PCM. They do, they are just forbidden to allow it in the comsumer market because there is no and can't be any copy protection scheme on those formats. This is all quite sickening. Plenty of people have been waiting a couple years for this, and we still have no word in either direction from manufacturers. Seeing as how monitors can do it, I can't see how difficult it would be for someone to even mod a TV.