LCD display resolutions?


Feb 15, 2003
Hey guys I was just wondering whats up with Large LCD displays being low max res? I know they have made some 17 inch widescreens for laptops that are 1920 X1200 so I know they can do it but the large screens like 34 and 46 inches are like 1300 X 760 or something. Is this a manufacturing issue as they have trouble producing high res large panels or if its simply a cost issue and no economical. Because I think it would be pimp to have a 34inch or 46inch LCD with res of something like 3200 X 2000 or bigger.

Later guys
it would be a waste of money. there are no real electronics that can take advantage of super high resolution.
A cost issue pretty much, I think, There simply isn't any demand for such displays and there aren't really any consumer based video cards that can even drive such high resolutions.
Dual 3840x2400. Only 22" though
