LCD background BURNT IN?!


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
So! 2005FPW. All is happy and good.

That's what I thought. I've been loving this monitor ever since I got it. But I left it on overnight one night, and now my background is burnt into the screen. (Yes, yes, I know. This is what screen savers are for. So sue me, I've only ever found one screen saver I liked, and nekoflight has issues with my computer.) It's VERY faint, but still noticeable. What's odd is that it burnt in the background, but not the icons... And actually, come to think of it, it burnt in only the black lines on the white background...

Any way to fix it, or should I call Dell's tech support and have them send me a new monitor?
I'd send it back. If it burns in after only one night there's something wrong. I've left my LCD on for a week while on vacation and never had a problem.
Well you don't have to use a screensaver. You can just set the monitor to go on standby after a set period of time.

Edit: What exactly did you use as your background wallpaper? post it.
tpizarro said:
What exactly did you use as your background wallpaper? post it.

The burn-in on LCDs might go away after a few hours/days. Try the PSP Stuck Pixel Fixer or just set it to black for a long time.
demons9872 said:
lcd do not get burned images send it back it has issues
LCD's do get temporary burn in that canlead to a permanent one if the LCD is defective or if left on for too long on certain types of high contrast images.