Latest SageTV Beta out


[H]F Junkie
Apr 14, 2003
Hi guys, latest Sage beta is out.

One thing thats been listed as fixed is the issue where if you power cycle your TV thats connected via HDMI the SageTV menu would come back and only part of it was visible.

I have that issue, and I know someone else here did as well, can't remember who though, so I thought I'd make a thread so they didn't miss it.
Any idea what SageTV will be making more HD Theater? They've been out of stock for quite a few weeks now :-(
fantastic, that was me. So annoying to have to toggle from full screen and back everytime.
Well, it almost works great. Some of my video files, those with mp3 audio play back all fucked up now. Sound gets sent to the rear channel speakers every 5 minutes or so, if it even plays back correctly in the first place.

Guess I'll have to troubleshoot on Monday.

Can't rollback to the previous client version either without rolling back the server.
Turns out it wasn't sage. I had cranked up the output bit rate because more is better right? Receiver couldn't handle it, had to dial it back down to 16 bit.
i upgraded mine but turns out when i rebooted my trial was up. I ordered and upgrade license but still havent gotten my key. something like 36 hours now. I am impatient.