Large and active IT forum? Specifically network administration

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19858
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I would do it this way, just like you and DistributedBen have mentioned.

Like I've said mayn times, we don't have to worry about webspace. I've got a WHOLE webserver which is waaay underused (My play server). I just need the VBulletin license.
Perhaps next paycheck.

Any ideas for a domain?


How much is a copy of vBulletin?
Good domains are hard - or maybe I'm just not creative enough. Also hard since you don't want to post it and have someone register it out of spite. Maybe we could setup a time to IM or chat about names? Would that be a better option?
$160.00 owned
$85.00 leased for one year

I have a couple forum names in mind. I'm willing to start building it, then we can promote for publicity. If you want to work on this personally with me (I'm looking for someone to help pay for a VBulletin license), send me a PM and I'll send you my email address.
Another thing: Can we get a hold of Mr Kyle Bennett on this? Perhaps he is willing to offer advice or may have an idea on what to do here.

You could always try out the free YaBB, and make sure people are actually gonna use it before forking out the money for Vbulletin.
Long time member here and I would be completely for this idea. I'm currently a graduate student studying Network Security and I'd love to contribute to this.

Let's keep this ball rolling.
Let me be the 1st to say I'll contribute $10 towards the cost of vB and help with setup and/or admin if help is requested.
You could always try out the free YaBB, and make sure people are actually gonna use it before forking out the money for Vbulletin.
Nah, I would rather start with something that is worth keeping in the long run. I'll fork the money out my next paycheck and then go ahead and get this going.

Start PMing me some forum name ideas, and I'll have something by the end of this month.
i would be happy to be a part of this as well as happy to donate. i just started my first "real" job in oct. as an net admin for a group of medical clinics, and so far i have a laundry list of questions. :eek:
Yeah, if there's anything I can do, I'd be more than happy to. Community is an important part of our field because no matter how much you know, there's always something that you don't, and we've all been there... searching through forums, websites, and whitepapers, spending countless hours searching for answers that someone else could provide in minutes.

Plus... just think, we can be like some other groups and eventually make up our own certification and charge thousands of dollars for people to take our test and all become blind, stinking rich...!
VB allows easy upgrades. If you modify a tempate in phpBB and then a new version is released, you then will have to remodify that template again. Not in VB. Plus VB comes with the standard features like quick reply, etc that you would expect.
vB is much smoother for me on a Linux box than phpBB. Just my experience. Anyone have a schedule or plan to move forward?
make sure to post the details here when its finalized...something else I can read while @ work :)
I'll link you to the new forums when it's complete, actually been a work in progress for quite some time.
You guys are talking about creating a forum and potentially redivert traffic from here....

Sounds like walking on a minefield to me :)

Yeah. So what's wrong with this forum? Sure, it's just a sub-forum but who cares? There's a community feel, lots of knowledgable individuals, it's certainly active... I'd love to see the "What's the best router" or "What's a good gigabit switch?" posts go bye-bye but it's a small price to pay for the valuable knowledge that actually flows here.
I too would like a forum more devoted to enterprise IT. One forum I frequent is nothing but telecommunications (phone systems etc). It is a smaller group but there is an unreal amount of knowledge.
I am willing to help (and learn). Let me know what / where to get involved (maybe add an IRC channel into the works also).
haha I make the post looking for a forum and come back to find one being created. Well I'm totally for the idea of a good forum, count me in. I used to own and operate until I sold it off in December so I have a lot of good experience with sales, marketing, and forums design/implementation.

As for me professionally I have been working for years now in IT as a network administrator. Whoever is leading this new project (if anyone) send me a PM so I can be involved please.
I would be willing to host it as well, I already have a forum going and would be more than willing to create a network section and restrict its viewing from the other users (If enough are interested) just pop in and let me know.
I am willing to donate also for a copy of vB. Let me know if there is anything I can help with.
I'm willing to toss in some cash for the VB license.

My vote is for

Can all the donators/founders get a special title?

What about the hosting?
I currently use a package with 1&1 but they limit you to 100 MySQL databases that are only 100MB...

My current forum with an average of 60 daily posters has filled 30MB in a year
Ill pitch in some as well if you guys are dead set on vB...JeffMoss and I have a shatload of cabling experience, ideas for subsections

Routing & Switching
How-To's / Tips & Tricks

Scripting & Scripts
How-To's / Tips & Tricks

Scripting & Scripts
How-To's / Tips & Tricks

Mac OS
How-To's / Tips and Tricks

IT Administration
Resources For Admins
How To's (get more for your budget, deal with HR..stuff along those lines)

Ill buy a domain as soon as we settle on one, if that can be my contribution as well as some of vB
i would definatly like to help and or use the forum if its being brought to life.. i am the general all around "IT Guy" for a 400 client network... basically i specialize in nothing, but do a bit of everything.. count me in, if its getting off the ground
I will not be using the Hard name, like someone said above, stepping on toes.

We would not be taking traffic from here. The Great [H] was not designed for the corporate network admin to come to and look for instructions on moving mail stores between servers with Exchange. It was designed for the gamer/hardcore enthusiast to figure out how to overclock and cut holes in there cases and make it look nice.

If you can donate, please PM me. I'll send you my PayPal address. Any money sent to me will be used directly in either paying for a VBulletin license, a domain name, and monthly server bills. Yes, I will give you recognition once this gets rolling.

CokeCan, I'm going to use that NetSec idea, except I won't feel comfortable knowing the domain is in somebody else's control.
I will not be using the Hard name, like someone said above, stepping on toes.

We would not be taking traffic from here. The Great [H] was not designed for the corporate network admin to come to and look for instructions on moving mail stores between servers with Exchange. It was designed for the gamer/hardcore enthusiast to figure out how to overclock and cut holes in there cases and make it look nice.

If you can donate, please PM me. I'll send you my PayPal address. Any money sent to me will be used directly in either paying for a VBulletin license, a domain name, and monthly server bills. Yes, I will give you recognition once this gets rolling.

CokeCan, I'm going to use that NetSec idea, except I won't feel comfortable knowing the domain is in somebody else's control.

We can transfer it, makes no difference to me :)
As a student going into IT too, I'll gladly help get the community started and join - if you can tell me how different this is going to than [H]ardforum (i.e., no more "Where do i plug in the internet cord to the router?" questions)

Personally I'd suggest subforums for at least the following topics

Homebrew Firewall products
PxE/thin client-server
a "Gallery" Thread
etc etc
giving total controll of accounts/domains is a good idea

(Anyone ever read about FLECOM and company in the debate?)
nah, I've never heard of the FLECOM thing.

I agree, the only reason I don't want the domains out of my control is that in the event of member conflict, there aren't any issues with losing the domain or having someone drop the databases etc.