Laptops and Active Directory?


Sep 2, 2004
How do most of you handle mobile users under an Active Directory setup? I have about 10 laptop users that I want to integrate to our AD domain but most of them also end up taking their laptops home and doing work from there. How do you handle the logons? Cached credentials for x amount of days??
mike2323 said:
How do most of you handle mobile users under an Active Directory setup? I have about 10 laptop users that I want to integrate to our AD domain but most of them also end up taking their laptops home and doing work from there. How do you handle the logons? Cached credentials for x amount of days??

Yep... Cached credentials work well.
mike2323 said:
Is there a certain length you put on that?

Not really since laptops are generally assigned or used by one specific person. But if it's a laptop that is utilized by multiple people, you need to analyze how long you would like a previous users credentials to be cached.
mike2323 said:
Is there a certain length you put on that?
Not length as in time, but number of logins.

Reminds me, I need to change the policy for our two laptop machines. It's currently set to 20 (or 50, not sure; lazy++) logins for every machine on the domain.