Laptop security?


Limp Gawd
Jun 6, 2003
I recently purchased a very nice IBM thinkpad t42, and I'm not sure what i should do to keep it secure.

Here's the deal, i did some research on those kersington lock that attachs to your laptop, they're not worth jack shit. I can roll up an cardboard or piece of study paper into an tube and work at it for a bit and off it comes, which is bluntly insecure to the extreme imho.

Now ultimately I would love to buy myself some form of pelican briefcase for transportation of the laptop at airports but for now its sort of out of the question, so until then what should i do to keep the laptop secure?

My roommate is pretty socialiable so he'll probably have shit-ton of people in the room, and i already have my desktop computer all secured up (1/2 inch steel cabling stringed between each pieces, along with master locks on them, and each piece has an half inch thick steel backplate bolted/riveted/welded to it so its pretty secure.
try the kryptonite. Kryptovault for laptops. it locks the laptop closed and has a cable to attach it to an anchor point. Kryptonite is known for beefy bicycle locks too.
skully said:
try the kryptonite. Kryptovault for laptops. it locks the laptop closed and has a cable to attach it to an anchor point. Kryptonite is known for beefy bicycle locks too.

Kryptonite can be broken by a pen

However, that aside, the kryptovault looks nice :) and perhaps I could even put my laptop inside my laptop bag and put it in there, for cushoning. But yep it does look nice, but i'm very curious if theyre vulternable to the "pen trick" as the other kyptonite locks are.

plus $50-60 dosen't seem too bad for that kind of security for the laptop :)
serbiaNem said:


The reason is, although i would prefer to be with the laptop 24/7 its not always humanly possiable, such as when i'm sleeping or so forth, plus i don't overly trust my roomate.

So i just want something to keep it locked up when i can't supervise it, and when its locked up i'll probably put it under the bed and put something over it so no one suspect anything.
I think the kryptovault uses the same design as the vulnerable bike locks. You'd think they'd have changed the design by now though. (Yeah right) That sucks. thanks for the info though. :mad:

<editied for grammar/spelling>
skully said:
I think the kryptovault uses the same design as the vulnerable bike locks. You'd think they'd have changed the design by now though. (Yeah right) That sucks. thanks for the info though. :mad:

They were looking good to me, but i think now i'm probably going to go for a sort of trunk/footlock and attach the fucker to the bed in a way that no one can move it, and that should be good enough to protect the laptop and any other vaulable stuff i have (cdroms!/dvd's!) from snooping roomates and other "guest"
Man, having a roomate that you can't trust kind of sucks. I went through 4 years and never had a problem with roomates or roomates' friends taking stuff. (Someone correct me on how to use the apostrophe for possesive cases)

As far as the Kryptovault, I think they have a warranty if your stuff does get stolen. I remember on the bike locks, they had a recall and would replace the lock and the bike if it got stolen.
Antimatter said:
Kryptonite can be broken by a pen

However, that aside, the kryptovault looks nice :) and perhaps I could even put my laptop inside my laptop bag and put it in there, for cushoning. But yep it does look nice, but i'm very curious if theyre vulternable to the "pen trick" as the other kyptonite locks are.

plus $50-60 dosen't seem too bad for that kind of security for the laptop :)

I heard that all current Kryptonites don't have that pen trick problem anymore..,.