Laptop (only computer) on a wireless?


Jun 9, 2005
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been asked, search didn't turn up any results. My brother just purchased a laptop (his only computer) and wants to run a wireless internet connection to it. Is this possible using one machine? He can get cable modem service for sure and DSL is questionable. If this is possible, what hardware is needed? I'm a networking dummy so please explain it to a noobie!

Thanks for any help.

No problem, all he needs to do is purchase a wireless router which his service provider might even be able to give him. His laptop (if it's anywhere somewhat new) should have a wireless NIC already built into it so he would be able to connect to his router and go from there.
No problem, all he needs to do is purchase a wireless router which his service provider might even be able to give him. His laptop (if it's anywhere somewhat new) should have a wireless NIC already built into it so he would be able to connect to his router and go from there.

Cool. That's what I was hoping to hear. The laptop is brand new. I wasn't sure on this because when I hear "wireless", I always assume the service is being fed from a hardwired machine. Thanks for the response.