KOTOR 2... Anyone get it yet?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 24, 2004
It would appear that it is out for Xbox already. I'm not so patiently waiting for Feb 8th when it comes out for PC. :mad: Has anyone here played it yet? And what are your impressions of it so far? Has the interface changed for the good/bad, same camera angle, etc

I loved the first game, it was so damned addictive I played throught as a light and dark jedi in a span of only a couple weeks, then I played through it again kinda down the middle. :D
Can't wait to get my hands on a couple of lightsabres and smack around some dark jedi!
Waiting for PC as well. This is one of the few console titles that really translates well to the PC.
Torgo said:
Waiting for PC as well. This is one of the few console titles that really translates well to the PC.
I was quite surprised at how good of a job they did bringing it to the PC. The controls were solid, and the graphics were great. Two things you rarely get from a port.
It was so good I could have sworn that it was a PC game ported to console.
yea i just got it and beat it. took 4 hours to beat

actually i lied, because im waiting for it to be out on PC. it seems to me they're releasing it on console first so that people who dont like consoles who like KOTOR will want to buy a console just to play it and they can make more money that way
So none of the consolers on this forum have gotten this game?
WTF are you thinking!? :eek:

C'mon. SOMEONE has to have got it...anyone? I'm dyin' here.
I still haven't finished the first one. SWG came out about the time I bought it and it was all down hill from there... :(
I'm waiting simply because my game budget has been sucked dry by the other 5,000 games released in the past two months that I wanted.

This and a few others I want are going to have to wait.
I have heard that the xbox version has problems w/ framerates dropping into the single digits.

so i figure ill wait and avoid that problem by playing on my pc
Waiting for the PC version myself. From what I have been reading it should be as good if not better than the original.
Got it the day of release, 20 hours logged. Its awsome. The story is actually better done then the original because unlike the original which became obivous alittle later in the game this one keeps ya guessing. I love the influence system also, some characters wont even speak to me anymore while others are falling in love with me.

The graphics for the xbox version are ok but I will pick up the PC version aswell once it releases, too many bugs in the Xbox version maybe with the time they are taking to port it they will fix the bugs.
Defective said:
I'm still worried because Bioware didn't make it.

Yes, but who did make it? Obsidian, the remnants of Black Isle. Nothing to worry about in that regard.
I beat hte first one 3 times on pc and I loved the game, I love being dark jedi I hope you can really be as bad as u want in this version :D
I owned the first KOTOR for XBox. My biggest complaint was the sheer number of LOADING SCREENS.

For those players that picked it up for the PC, did there seem to be a large number of loading screens? Does anyone know if the PC version required more in the memory department? I believe the XBox only has 64 MB of RAM.
Same amount of loading screens, but they were very quick since it didn't load the levels from the CD and PC's have alot more RAM.
Twinkie said:
I owned the first KOTOR for XBox. My biggest complaint was the sheer number of LOADING SCREENS.

For those players that picked it up for the PC, did there seem to be a large number of loading screens? Does anyone know if the PC version required more in the memory department? I believe the XBox only has 64 MB of RAM.
It has been while since I have played it but the loading didn't bother me, and if it did obviously not enough for me to remember it now.
I agree with loading screens also. I had to upgrade to another stick of ram to resolve loading issues.
Its not like the game is being released in 2012 for PC, we only have to wait to Feb to play it, and since I'm writing exams now anyways I feel that its probably for the best.
NeoNemesis said:
Its not like the game is being released in 2012 for PC, we only have to wait to Feb to play it, and since I'm writing exams now anyways I feel that its probably for the best.

yeah but I get deployed a week or so before its release...would love to have it with me before I go to the desert
|MaguS| said:
Got it the day of release, 20 hours logged. Its awsome. The story is actually better done then the original because unlike the original which became obivous alittle later in the game this one keeps ya guessing. I love the influence system also, some characters wont even speak to me anymore while others are falling in love with me.

The graphics for the xbox version are ok but I will pick up the PC version aswell once it releases, too many bugs in the Xbox version maybe with the time they are taking to port it they will fix the bugs.
How's the combat system feel? Did they change much with it? And how's the inventory menu now? I read that they were going to add a quick weapon switch like they had in Diablo 2.

I keep telling myself February is only two months away, but I'm not listening.
I picked it up as well for Xbox, I really wanted the PC version, since I love mouse and keyboard.

So far I am about 10 hours in and loving every minute of it. If you are a big fan of the original, do not skip over this one. So far the first one does seem to have a much stronger and fluid storyline, but you must take into account I have yet to beat it.

Now if I could only get use to the crappy Xbox controls.

As for the core game, combat is basically the same, they fixed a few issues concerning boxes and crates. Such as they label them empty after you already searched them so that way when you pull a 180 you realize you were already there. Controlling movements for your party is a bit tougher as you must move left and right to select special commands, but this can also be to the lack of screen room the xbox provides. I hope the PC version contains the same combat queue as the original one did. The best combat upgrade that could have ever happened to this series is that you can now select the stances of your characters. Such as a ranged toon knows to keep distance without you having to make it for him. So I tank, while the two ranged toons attack from a distance. It makes the battles a little quicker and a little less frustrating at times.

Finally, the BEST improvement I have seen is the inability to get stuck. I am sure many of you remember opening a crate just to turn around and get surrounded by your fellow party members. Only to change to them and move their sorrry asses out of the way. That is gone, the computer is finally smart enough to move them out of the way, or to leave room for you to walk.

I will not talk about force changes and storyline as I do not want to give away any of this game, but as I said fans of the first will be greatly pleased with the job Obsidian did at keeping what made the original game great.

Pardon any typos as I typed this semi-review up in about 5 minutes.
S1nF1xx said:
How's the combat system feel? Did they change much with it? And how's the inventory menu now? I read that they were going to add a quick weapon switch like they had in Diablo 2.

I keep telling myself February is only two months away, but I'm not listening.

Sorry I forgot about the inventory...

IMPROVEMENTS - Yes I do enjoy the new inventory system. You can have two different setups just like you do in Diablo 2. This are easily accessible in the bottom right of your screen when you use the d-pad to scroll through your actions.

Another change is the workbench. No longer a once a mission type of thing. You can now dissassemble items and assemble items that you have schematics for. Which schematics you can use are related to the amount of skill points you have in computer, first aid, etc... It may sound complicated, but it is overly simplified as all chemicals are the same no matter what you are breaking down. So do not feel overwhelmed as you still find most of the stuff you need through doing the quests.

IMPARTIAL - The new inventory system looks nice and all, but it does not seem as friendly as the original. There is a new learning curve when seperating and viewing what items you have to see. I am not sure if this is going to be retained exactly the same on the Xbox as the PC. I enjoyed the way you could equip everything with most of the inventory visible. It just seems there is a lot more items in this game, so I am guessing that old system would not work. Overall its not that big of a deal, just takes time to getting use to.

I have yet to see any disadvantages to the new invetory system.

Oh yeah BTW - you do not have to try to rush through the first part of the game so you can reach Jedi. Even though you really do not have many Jedi powers yet, you can still add points to your force tree for later down the road. So now you can officaily take your time on the first planet, before you pick up that trusty lightsaber.
I just bought it can't wait to play it :) Also I picked up some Svideo cables so I can play it on my Plasma TV :)
Wrench00 said:
I just bought it can't wait to play it :) Also I picked up some Svideo cables so I can play it on my Plasma TV :)

Why S-Video over component? You need the HD pack for the XBox, otherwise, you miss out on optical audio output and most importantly, you miss out on HD support.

Anyways, I'm waiting on the PC version too. I bought the first one for XBox, played maybe an hour of it and got frustrated by the controls and loading times. Picked it up for the PC, cranked it up to 1280x960 and wasn't bothered at all by load times. I too hear that the frame rate drops to single digits in the XBox version, so I'll wait for the PC version. Its only 2 months away and maybe they'll throw in some goodies just like they did for the first KOTOR.
The notion that the framerate drops to single-digits is bullshit. It takes a dip rarely, but that isn't often and it definately isn't long enough for you be able to judge the FPS that it actually dropped to.

My only complaint is that the graphics engine really wasn't changed much from the original. They overhauled a few things, but all in all, it's practically the same.
No more 'shoot the tie fighters whenever you leave a planet' right???

That was the only thing about the original that I didn't like. I can't wait for the sequel to come out on PC.
Akuma said:
No more 'shoot the tie fighters whenever you leave a planet' right???

That was the only thing about the original that I didn't like. I can't wait for the sequel to come out on PC.

Not that I have seen yet...

One more thing the first complaint I have comes on the world of Telos when you must get into the Exchange. You have to jump through 3 loading sections within 5 minutes. Very annoying especially since its on Xbox. Ah well, I will get it for PC as well.
Quick Question to anyone playing KOTOR 2...

Are you having a much more difficult time determing who is good and who is evil?

I know right now everything seems it could go either way.
Ashtaka said:
Why S-Video over component? You need the HD pack for the XBox, otherwise, you miss out on optical audio output and most importantly, you miss out on HD support.

Anyways, I'm waiting on the PC version too. I bought the first one for XBox, played maybe an hour of it and got frustrated by the controls and loading times. Picked it up for the PC, cranked it up to 1280x960 and wasn't bothered at all by load times. I too hear that the frame rate drops to single digits in the XBox version, so I'll wait for the PC version. Its only 2 months away and maybe they'll throw in some goodies just like they did for the first KOTOR.

Thanks I'll pick some up tomorow then.
WickedAngel said:
The notion that the framerate drops to single-digits is bullshit. It takes a dip rarely, but that isn't often and it definately isn't long enough for you be able to judge the FPS that it actually dropped to.

My only complaint is that the graphics engine really wasn't changed much from the original. They overhauled a few things, but all in all, it's practically the same.

In big fights, especially with more than 5 or 7 people shooting at you at once, the framerate drops pretty badly at the intial encounter, but then picks back up. It does not keep the game from being unplayable, since this game is not an FPS and once you decide what attack you are going to use you do not need to do anything.
UltimaParadox said:
In big fights, especially with more than 5 or 7 people shooting at you at once, the framerate drops pretty badly at the intial encounter, but then picks back up. It does not keep the game from being unplayable, since this game is not an FPS and once you decide what attack you are going to use you do not need to do anything.
I'm sure the PC version will be fine. They are going out on a limb trying to run a game like that on Xbox hardware. I know they said they did some polishing to the orginal engine, hopefully we'll get some cool new effects, especially with force powers.
Man, I can't friggin' wait! The new force powers sound awesome.
UltimaParadox said:
Quick Question to anyone playing KOTOR 2...

Are you having a much more difficult time determing who is good and who is evil?

I know right now everything seems it could go either way.

I think that's the point....
wileycat said:
I think that's the point....

I know that is the point...

But in the original KOTOR it was quite obvious on who was evil and who was good, in KOTOR 2, it is not quite so obvious.

I was asking a question on what other people thought.
ahhh I see, well I'm not far enough into the game yet, not even off of the mining station. I do know I'm doing my best to bring the rest of the party with me down the path of the Dark Side though :D
wileycat said:
ahhh I see, well I'm not far enough into the game yet, not even off of the mining station. I do know I'm doing my best to bring the rest of the party with me down the path of the Dark Side though :D

Do your actions affect the other party members alignment this time? Or do they just bitch at you like they did in the first one?

I know it was fun being a dark jedi when you met Bastila after she turned dark and you returned to your ship. I killed 4 of my party members, the 4 annoying ones. That was awesome! Die Carth, DIE!! :mad: :D
S1nF1xx said:
Do your actions affect the other party members alignment this time? Or do they just bitch at you like they did in the first one?

I know it was fun being a dark jedi when you met Bastila after she turned dark and you returned to your ship. I killed 4 of my party members, the 4 annoying ones. That was awesome! Die Carth, DIE!! :mad: :D

More of a bitching, but if the character was more prone to becoming light or dark, the more influence you gain with them. The faster they head down that road.
Man, cant wait to pick up this game, thanks to everyone who posted info on it. Its been getting rave reviews too, so it looks like Obsidian did a pretty killer job.