Killer Instinct & Friends

for some reason my hands start to gimp out in battles and i do the wrong move or dont do it correctly hit the wrong button i dont know i need to practice more i suppose try to calm down when i get all heated and on tilt and sweaty it goes downhill :( if anyone wants to play friendly matches or help me out add me, xtweakerx

I'll play you this weekend. I'm interested in learning Thunder, so we can play casual. I don't claim to be good, but I'm at least decent until I get stuck in a combo loop. My handle is DomingoX.
Sabrewulf has been speculated as being the best character, but obviously it's going to come down to playstyle, talent, and mechanics. The main advantage he has is that he has high/low/front/back shenanigans for days. You can force a block guessing game 3 different ways almost instantly with a big payoff for incorrect guessing. I'd also say that his moves are disguised pretty well. When he's in a combo all of his attacks kinda look the same.
When they were having a lot of tournament level fighting game players demo builds of the game, the Sabrewulf players were mauling the Jagos.

I found a lot of success by just neutral jumping and forcing their hand, sometimes they can anti air me out but most sabrewulfs I've played online like to dash and jump overhead slash or just do the lunge dive (kinda like Blanka from SF). That usually opens them up to punishment if I time the neutral jump properly.

If anyone wants to play, my XBL is Tassadin.
I found a lot of success by just neutral jumping and forcing their hand, sometimes they can anti air me out but most sabrewulfs I've played online like to dash and jump overhead slash or just do the lunge dive (kinda like Blanka from SF). That usually opens them up to punishment if I time the neutral jump properly.

If anyone wants to play, my XBL is Tassadin.

I do the same thing. His low HK is a decent anti-air, but it has to be done in advance. That "paint the sky" swipe move (dash+HK) is better, but still isn't perfect.
I go full offense on Sabrewulf just because I don't want to give them a chance to vortex me with all of his nonsense. One tendency I've noticed is that most players seem to inadvertently start every low dash combo with a weak attack. I think it's related to the speed you have to double tap LK so people do it out of habit. It's the one thing I tend to break regularly :p