Keyboard Question???

Jun 3, 2006
I was wondering what keyboard this is and who it is made buy because i cannot seem to find it anywhere? (hope it is a good enough view!!!)If not tell me.

Logitech elite. WICKED keyboard, if you play a game like CSS and hold a lot of keys at once it can do some funny stuff :p

i THINK they discontinued it... damn shame too :( the G15 doesnt have the same buttons as it... most useful being the damn user button lol
ya the must have discontinued it because i cannont find it anywhere, newegg, tigerdirect, ETC ETC oh well will just get g15
thats a rash decision :p the G15 is a gamers keyboard, and only that :p its got none of the REALLY useful buttons of the elite (user, email, and all those lovely programmable ones :p ) if you find yourself using those alot, it might be better to buy an elite used off the forums or something :)
NO i am a big time gamer, it is just i liked the elite keyvboard but oh well. (And that picture is from the PDX LAN in portland, oregon