Keyboard error when installing windows


Jun 18, 2004
I put a new hard drive in this morning and turned on my computer to install XP, and when it comes on, the PC speaker beeps twice and it then says "keyboard error", and continues starting normally. Except that i can't use my keyboard in order to press enter to install windows. I changed the harddrive before and didnt have this problem. Its plugged into the USB port, i tried both ports and neither worked. Can anyone help me?
Sounds like there's a keyboard error.

Hmmm. Critical thinking exercise.

Try a new keyboard. Enable USB Keyboard in your BIOS. Try a PS/2 keyboard.
The trouble is, I don't have another keyboard.

How do I enable USB keyboard in BIOS? How do I even get into BIOS?
bum a keyboard off a friend just for the day, to test this out. or hell goto best buy and buy a 12bux keyboard, then return it saying its not comfortable or some bs excuse...but yes in the bios enable keyboard for usb sounds to me like thats the solution but u never had this problem before? maybe the keyboard took a dump? try diff usb ports? try a usb to ps2 converter that come for those mice???
To get into BIOS hit, keep tapping, the DEL key right as your system starts up, then dig around to find it.
but his keyboard doesnt work, thats the problem....hey how are u typing this btw pc maybe? lol
I'm using my sister's laptop. Actually, I tried it again just for the hell of it and it still said keyboard error, but for some reason it worked this time. So whatever, if it happens again i'll mess with the BIOS. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen after I install the OS and restart it.

By the way, each time I started it, it said "USB Legacy working" or something like that, then it would have the keyboard error. I dunno if thats important, im just throwing that out there.
i cant be 110% sure, but im thinkgin usb legacy means its supporting ur keyboard so thats ok...but weird nonetheless....maybe a bios update to the board is in order?