K8V SE Problem


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
So basically I got a 3400 socket 754.. with a gig of corsair of ram.. on K8V SE... movo.. asus... but the problem is the computer will turn on.. and like the fans will start and everything and all of a sudden everything will stop....

So ok nothing would go on on the monotor or no beeps.. so i unpluged and replugged everything and now it stays on.. but the video card wont kick in.. only its fan.. its an old one that i know works.. I am planning on getting a 6800 nvidia.. but i waas wondering why my old video cards wont work?

I also tried my 750 quadro.. on it.. nothing..
What type and rating PSU? have you tryed just the board/video/mem/proc outside the case?

may want to try these, and if your powersupply is lacking that could cause something similar to your symptoms.

Plug in your speakers. That mobo has voice BIOS errors.

And how old is old on the video card? You can't use anything under a 4x AGP card in there otherwise poof goes the card.
well I tried my quadro on it like i said...

My PSU is an antec 400 w so i doubt thats the problem.

I guess I'll plug in the speakers.. but the case had no speaker connection (maybe it did but it wasnt named "speakers") just a bunch of other extra things for usb and such.
Welp. Do you have 2 sticks of ram? try one or the other. If it is a single stick, try another piece of PC3200 if you have a spare.
Did you try the new bios that came out recently.....Do you even see any bios screens, does it even post at all?