k*'s New Years [H]orde Newbie Challange

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Man only if I had some time at work. I have like 10-15 P4 desktops sitting collecting dust. :(

I broke 60k today :D

Suck it up, punch out 2 hours early one day. Check the systems over, run em, get em ready. See what each needs and make a list. Do the same thing the next day and on the third day. Sure, you lose 6 hours of real work but look how much power you're getting!

avey said:
lol i'll try to wave as you zoom by :p

rofl. Its bad when you are so shot that you actually start picturing people riding their computers past each other at break-neck speeds. :D
God damn mid-term exams.

Wow today was my first 3k point day ever. 3,094 today :eek:

Had 3 good days in a row. I think im due for a slow day tomorrow but Thusday should be another good day for me. :)
DeadlyAura said:
rofl. Its bad when you are so shot that you actually start picturing people riding their computers past each other at break-neck speeds. :D
God damn mid-term exams.



Been there, and done that bro....

Got the T-Shirt and burned that biotch..

(edit: I realized tha the placement of my response, without quoting who I was replying to, makes this one look a little arrogant... not intended. I was responding to one or 2 quotes above... "quoted for clarity"...)
No offence taken :D

Tech-Daddy said:

Been there, and done that bro....

Got the T-Shirt and burned that biotch..

(edit: I realized tha the placement of my response, without quoting who I was replying to, makes this one look a little arrogant... not intended. I was responding to one or 2 quotes above... "quoted for clarity"...)
Looks like you passed me up in the last update Tech. *sniffle sniffle* :(

slebidia is pushing hard right now...

I cracked top 10 on production!

And look down there a little bit, slebidia trying to be all stealthy and stuff...

woot! number 19 on the producers list. Not bad for a noobie. I think I'll be able to hit the top 5 by the middle of March.

The dual proc dual core Xeons helped out. I have ti give them up soon though. That's all I have. Not enough to close the gap but hopefully enough to hold 2nd place.

look what i did today Vitamin_T. you're only 2 points ahead of me, i wont let you win that easily :p

Anyone happen to have a spare MB sized ESD bag around :p

I'm not having any luck tracking one down around here...
I can likely buy them at my local Altex Electronics shop, if I dont have one in the garage.
How many would you like? And are you wanting foil or the pink/transparent Antistatic?

Tech-Daddy said:
I can likely buy them at my local Altex Electronics shop, if I dont have one in the garage.
How many would you like? And are you wanting foil or the pink/transparent Antistatic?

This is K*, so I imagine the pink would probably be best! :p

Great job guys, you are really pouring it on!

Tech-Daddy said:
I can likely buy them at my local Altex Electronics shop, if I dont have one in the garage.
How many would you like? And are you wanting foil or the pink/transparent Antistatic?

Well from the looks of it, you will be the one getting the prize ;) So which ever one you think would work best to ship this MB to you... and I just need one, thats why it's bugging me so much that no one has one around.. not even our IT dept here at work
And I really wanted that motherboard..... wait.... what motherboard?

It's been a good race. I bought a Sempron 3100+ that I will probably pass down to my little sis and a pair of Opteron 240s which I'll be buying a motherboard for this month hopefully. So I've already gotten two new machines out of this. :D

I'm looking forward to the next race. I need to get some boxes ready though.

Hey guys it's been fun but gonna start powering some boxen down tomorrow.
Thought I had a UFO or something outside a few nights back but it was the
electric meter. Didn't know they glowed at night. ;)

THL3 said:
Hey guys it's been fun but gonna start powering some boxen down tomorrow.
Thought I had a UFO or something outside a few nights back but it was the
electric meter. Didn't know they glowed at night. ;)

I shut down a few of the slow P3 boxes that weren't going to finish any WUs before tomorrow night. Mainly for a nice noise reduction.

And *THIS* is precisely the reason I wanted to put distance between myself and the other challengers!

01.31.06 2,201 16
01.30.06 6,299 29
01.29.06 3,155 14
01.28.06 4,043 16
01.27.06 3,763 17
01.26.06 3,184 15
01.25.06 4,873 22
01.24.06 2,713 14

Huge point dumps that vault you! I wanted to get my production up so that I could absorb the hit of a push like this!


Excellent push bro! Excellent push!

That dump on the 30th is INSANE!!!!

Tech-Daddy said:
That dump on the 30th is INSANE!!!!

Wait till you see the points dump coming tonight.....

Just kidding. I have no idea where that one came from. :cool:

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