k*'s New Years [H]orde Newbie Challange

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Hahahaha, he still uses DOS... Windows is much better, get with the times... :)

tongue so far buried into cheek... :)
I loved reading over the competition. Makes me want to join in on the fun too. Maybe next competition you'll see me in here... Good luck to the competitors...
i got my poor opty 165 kicked up to 2,808mhz ehehe been foldin for over 24hours at that speed, shes gettin a bit warm at 1.52v

but even with a 1,008mhz o/c its not enuff to make my 15 or so comps beat 30+ :D

I'm gettin close to giving slebidia and Rockaholic a run for 3rd and 4th :D

Had almost a 3k day today. :eek:

avey said:
I'm gettin close to giving slebidia and Rockaholic a run for 3rd and 4th :D

Had almost a 3k day today. :eek:

I found a server waiting for software today. Dual Xeon dual core 2.8 ghz. We'll see how much it helps out till Tuesday. :D

lol I have one sitting in my cube at work doing nothing too. Altho I dont think mine is dual core, Dell 2650 Dual Xeon 2.8's. Been to busy to work on it yet. :mad: Dont see myself getting it up by the end of the month tho. :(

Mickey21 said:
I loved reading over the competition. Makes me want to join in on the fun too. Maybe next competition you'll see me in here... Good luck to the competitors...

BTW.... guys?
Mickey21 is an AustinModder... and he dumped in a *large* portion of that list of support!

And before you go and start thinking he ruined his work... nuh-uh...
I just visited Chez' Mickey this weekend... and this guy has all of that in his HOUSE!!!!

This dude is [H]ard with a cap. H....

Mad props to Mickey21, PoMan and the rest of the crew for the support.... and as I have learned from this little escapade... mainly,"Where there is one AustinModder... there are a LOT of AustinModders!"

"Come on baybeee... dewww tha LOCOMOTION!!!!!"
I Love you. I love you like only a [H]orde member can.

I love you with A LOT OF [H]ATE!

But mostly. I think I love your boxen more ;)
"Thou shalt not covet thy brothas boxen..."


Kinda a backhanded compliment to be [h]ated... I guess... I think...
(big grin)
Thanks for the kind words Tech-daddy. I, like many here, are [H]ardware junkies and computers are just my life/hobby/entertainment rolled into one. The real [H]ero is my wife for putting up with all of it (LAN parties every other month with 30 people everytime for the last 5 years - Random computer parts everywhere all the time - computer related functions - and on and on). She puts up with it well and keeps supporting me with the understanding that my computers and their use really help pay the bills. Cant do it without her completely. Just glad to help out and glad the spirit of competition can go to an even better cause. Just wish I could really do it all the time, but wouldnt be economically feasible to run it all 24/7. I may leave 2 or 3 boxes going when this is all done just in the spirit of helping the [H]orde...
welp guys, its been fun but im callin it :) Top place is already over what i would make folding full force for the rest of the week.

took down 2 boxes today, one was a machine i was delaying selling, and the other one is goin to a new home. gonna switch back to just runnin the foldin clients on my main pc at night, been going through Quake4 withdrawels ehehe.

pre-gratz on the winner, i'll stop by and check things out after the race.

Close... if she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood. And is therefore a witch!


Oh man Tech-Daddy is about to go screaming by me in the over all stats. lol :eek:


I'm pushing as hard as I can until the 31st, I want to see how much damage the velocity this train has, can do to a point total!

WHADDUP avey! Nice digs you got up here!
:p :D
Krayzie135 said:
DAMN! ! ! you guys are fast. Looks like Loki008 has dropped out of the race.

Hrmmm... i have one box still folding, i dont see why my points should have completly stopped. As for my participation my boss said that i could borg some of our workstations but then changed his mind. so i have 8 dual core intel 3.2ghz machines sitting in the back room idle and about (10) 2ghz xeons. We do alot of distributed work in file processing for the legal field and are sometimes given terabytes of backup tapes we have to process for a case. Not often 98% of the time we can get by with 1 - 2 machines but incase we get a big job he decided he wanted to leave the machines untouched.
Well You guys gone and done it... and broke 300k...(306,292)

Awesome job!

Welcome back Loki!
We've been running for 3 weeks and we're over 300K. I bet we hit 400K before the end of the month.

slebidia said:
We've been running for 3 weeks and we're over 300K. I bet we hit 400K before the end of the month.

If everyone in the race fires up one or two more borgs, you guys can nail half a million by the end of the month.

I've borged everything I can.

I even installed Foldix on the dual PPro at home. I doubt it will finish a WU before the end of the month though.

slebidia said:
I've borged everything I can.

I even installed Foldix on the dual PPro at home. I doubt it will finish a WU before the end of the month though.

Start going door to door. :D

"Hello sir, would you care to borg your computer for me?"

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