Just started Assassin's Creed, but I have to ask... wtf?


Nov 22, 2004
Apparantly what i've posted here comes off as a spoiler, so if you haven't played it yet don't read.

Okay so, i've been tracking this game for a while, and i've always been looking forward to playing the game. I got it yesterday in the mail from Gamefly. But, now I am just confused. I thought it would be a ancient-aged game where you play a assassin. Now, that is mosty true, but the fact that none of the actions are taking place at that particular time, but rather everything is all high-tech and you're playing through your ancestor's memory, is just really weird. I guess I wasn't reading up on the game enough, but i never expected it to be like that.

Basically, I need clarification as to what is going on here. I've played through some of it last night, and have gotten somewhat into it, but I just do not understand what the purpose of me laying on that table is, and what those doctors are trying to get out of me. I don't know if it gives away any spoilers for later in the game, but I know the guy doctor gave somewhat of a lengthy explanation of something in the beginning. I don't know if maybe i didn't listen well enough or something, but i'm waiting for my PS3 controller to charge up a little before I turn start playing again since the damn cord is too short.
How about adding a spoiler tag as that was intentional I beleive..I was surprised when I started the game also..
" but i'm waiting for my PS3 controller to charge up a little before I turn start playing again since the damn cord is too short."

usb extender cables, learn to love them;)
Yeah, this was a plot twist that they kept hidden. You don't need to worry though, as you get into the game a bit more you end up spending more time as your ancestor.
" but i'm waiting for my PS3 controller to charge up a little before I turn start playing again since the damn cord is too short."

usb extender cables, learn to love them;)

Yeah I know, I know. Just haven't gotten around to getting one yet.