just received my 2 7900 GTX's, any way to make them live ?


Mar 11, 2000
Just wondering if there is anything people agree on that can be done by the end user to help these cards live ? Not sure if I should just throw them in in SLI, or test one at a time ? Wash them ? Flash the bios ? anything........

What I don't want to do though, is merely delay the problem, until I'm outside of my 30 day return warranty. (no questions asked)
opinions ?
I'm not sure I understand your question.

If the video cards are not working, RMA them.
Perhaps he's asking what to do in order to keep his card running for a longer time,
without having it failing at the first week and artifacting the crap out of it?

you guys are a... :(
some threads are saying to flash the bios b4 using, other threads say h/s the ic's, others say wash all the solder debris off the cards, since they are all made by flextronics, so all brands are the same issue. I want to know if any of these solutions are helping the cards live, or delaying the death.
Oh now I know what you mean, you want to ensure they don't die since there are currently problems with cards dieing.

What brand are they? Are they overclocked by default? How high? Most of the trouble seems to be pre-highly overclocked video cards.
I have 2 x eVGA 7900gtx's and i dident do anything except run them....Iv had them under a -100*c cascade 4 times now, dryice 3 times and a singlestage cooler for about a week....They show no sighn of death yet...
I have an evga 7900 GTX and it shows no sign of early death even overclocked.

If you're really concerned with longevity then leave it at stock settings - no crazy volt mods or hacked bios flashes.

I would also avoid water cooling - too many stories of water blocks damaging cards.
I don't see how w/c'ing cards would have any effect on killing the thing.Unless maybe the block was mounted wrong... Or the user didn't compensate for the loss of airflow over already hot parts by sinking and/or putting at least a low flow fan in the area to cool the already blistering hot ICs (ie: the vMem regs on the back of the card that may or may not be a contributing factor in the dying card syndrome). But if Joe Blow is already on water, in all likelyhood that's a non-issue anyway, they're likely to have these airlfow issues dealt with already..
well one was installed first and ran through 3dm06 no probs, the installed the other and ran through twice with no issues. So I'll see if they are still usable when I get home from work tonight. Originaly they were delayed from the manufacturer 'til june 12th, so I thought I would get ones built after the manu knew of the probs, and wasn't concerned. But they showed up this morn by courier, and with so many having an etd of less than 24 hours....

Anyway F.E.A.R. at full detail for awhile tonight, then I'll know for sure.
my ram oc's like a beast, havent really tryed the core much, n vmod's stock cooling

Sable said:
You big girls blouse. Get em plugged in and overclocked. ;)
you do realize overclocking this cards, like 6 times out of 10 is a death sentence? (or is it worse than that?)