Just ordered 290

yes its all lies spread by those Nvidia shills and payed off websites like Anandtech. in person the cards run cool, quiet and never throttle at all on auto fan settings. plus power consumption is much lower than what reviews show. lol is that better now?

1) The card is designed to not exceed 95c, it can and does run cooler depending on a different factors, this includes *gasp* changing the fan speed profile.

2) No one says it is whisper quiet, but according to the a lot of reviews, including the [H], you know the website we are on, factory fan speeds are more then acceptable. If someone wants to run their fan at 100% then ya, its going to get loud.

3) The card doesn't throttle, it will ramp its speed UP depending on temp, the same as a fucking Nvidia cards.

4) It uses what, 30-40 watts more then a 780TI? and this is a huge fucking deal why?
1) The card is designed to not exceed 95c, it can and does run cooler depending on a different factors, this includes *gasp* changing the fan speed profile.

2) No one says it is whisper quiet, but according to the a lot of reviews, including the [H], you know the website we are on, factory fan speeds are more then acceptable. If someone wants to run their fan at 100% then ya, its going to get loud.

3) The card doesn't throttle, it will ramp its speed UP depending on temp, the same as a fucking Nvidia cards.

4) It uses what, 30-40 watts more then a 780TI? and this is a huge fucking deal why?

yes we all know its supposed to run at 95C but sometimes it will throttle to stay at that temp. and hardocp even calls it throttling just like any other review. and its without a doubt considered to be a noisy card just as loud if not louder than the 480 according to most reviews. Anandtech, who even has an AMD hub on their very site, said that the 290 is too loud to even recommend. and like I have said over and over, the power consumption is only really an issue when overclocking.

its not my problem if you dont like the overall general consensus about the 290/290x being considered hot, loud and more power hungry. its like denying the 780 ti is overpriced when most reviews and people know darn well it should be a little cheaper.
Look dude, AMD designed this thing to be a "budget" high-end part from the beginning. The die size is only 438mm². This compares quite favorably with the Titan at 551mm²:


At the same time because AMD’s memory interface is so compact they’ve been able to move to a 512-bit memory bus without requiring too large a GPU. At 438mm2 and composed of 6.2B transistors Hawaii is still the largest GPU ever produced by AMD – 18mm2 bigger than R600 (HD 2900) – but compared to the 365mm2, 4.31B transistor Tahiti AMD has been able to pack in a larger memory bus and a much larger number of functional units into the GPU for only a 73mm2 (20%) increase in die size.

What AMD has done here is design their large GPU for price to fabricate and performance, at the cost of POWER. Nvidia designed the Titan for power efficiency and performance, with the higher fabrication cost of the larger die. With the market Nvidia was initially targeting (Tesla devices sell for $3-5k), they could afford the large die to target high performance/watt, and thus can subsidize the lower profit margin once they eventually sold to consumers.

AMD had no other way to make a large GPU affordable, thanks to their piss-poor professional business. And to make sure the launch went as smooth as possible, they used their own stock design (Nvidia initially did the same with all their GK110 cards). And while the cooler is not impressive, it is inexpensive and can get the job done if you don't mind noise (you can raise the fan speed yourself if you feel it's not enough). The power consumption isn't that much of a difference, and the noise will be fixed once third-party coolers hit the streets.

In the meantime, Nvidia is going to have to live with being priced out of the high-end for the next few months because the expensive GK110 dies are not going to fall in price again. So despite the issues, AMD has brought a welcome breath of fresh air months before Nvidia will release Maxwell.
I have never had my pair of 290s throttle on me. If you need proof, i'd happily provide some. This morning when i put my pc on, my cards were idling at 28c. If you have a nice case fan setup, all the stuff you heard about the 290 is overblown. Are the fans loud at 100%? yes, but so was my 780 at 100%, though, obviously, not as loud. Do not forget, the price of one 780 pre price drop was only a little less than what a pair of 290s cost. I came over from nvidia because amd provided greater value; i just shake my head at people that blindly follow a certain camp, or people who regurgitate what others spew, none of whom had any personal experience with the card.

The stock fan profile was inaudible under load; when you have cards sitting in a mobo on top of a desk, it is obvious you will hear it. Even with the stock fan profile, the temps did not exceed 90c. With a custom fan profile, the cards hover around 75c.

Do not forget, the 780ti has power consumption and temps not too different from The 290 or 290x. If AMD says the cards are able to run this hot without any accelerated degredation, then we should believe them, until, we see something that says otherwise.

To wrap it up, all i want to say is stop nitpicking. An extra, even if it's 160 watts, will not matter. If that bothers you so much, shut off two lightbulbs in your house. You will not be gaming eight hours a day, every day, and if you do, you have greater issues.

Be a smart investor. Go for the biggest return your money can buy. Why would i buy a 780ti if i can buy two 290s for only $100 more. That extra $100 is giving you 95% performance above the 780ti, with an additional gig of ram. I simply cannot wrap my head around how ignorant people can be. I narrowed it down to buyer's remorse and pure ignorance - i too would feel bad if i spent an extra $300 for a 5% performance gain, and i too would spew the same garbage if i was ignorant, talking, but, instead of speaking intelligently, choosing to speak what others speak, and not bothering to use my own mind.

Give credit to amd, because if it were not for them, we would still be paying close to $700 for a single 780. Be thankful that there is competition, and that the monopoly is not dominating. We have a small company like amd competing with a giant like nvidia. It means alot for a company that is able to compete like this.
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I have never had my pair of 290's throttle on me. If you need proof, i'd happily provide some. This morning when i put my pc on, my cards were idling at 28c. If you have a nice case fan setup, all the stuff you heard about the 290 is overblown. Are the fans loud at 100%? yes, but so was my 780 at 100%, though, obviously, not as loud. Do not forget, the price of one 780 pre price drop was only a little less than what a pair of 290s cost. I came over from nvidia because amd provided greater value; i just shake my head at people that blindly follow a certain camp, or people who regurgitate what others spew, none of whom had any personal experience with the card.

The stock fan profile was inaudible under load; when you have cards sitting in a mobo on top a desk, it is obvious you will hear it. Even with the stock fan profile, the temps did not exceed 90c. With a custom fan profile, the cards hover around 75c.

Do not forget, the 780ti has power consumption and temps not too different from The 290 or 290x. If AMD says the cards are able to run this hot without any accelerated degredation, then we should believe them, until, we see something that says otherwise.

To wrap it up, all i want to say is stop nitpicking. An extra, even if it's 160 watts, will not matter. If that bothers you so much, shut off two lightbulbs in your house. You will not be gaming eight hours a day, every day, and if you do, you have greater issues.

Be a smart investor. Go for the biggest return your money can buy. Why would i buy a 780ti if i can buy two 290s for only $100 more. That extra $100 is giving you 95% performance above the 780ti, with an additional gig of ram. I simply cannot wrap my head around how ignorant people can be. I narrowed it down to buyer's remorse and pure ignorance - i too would feel bad if i spent an extra $300 for a 5% performance gain, and i too would spew the same garbage if i was ignorant, talking, but, instead of speaking intelligently, choosing to speak what others speak, and not bothering to use my own mind.

Give credit to amd, because if it were not for them, we would still be paying close to $700 for a single 780. Be thankful that there is competition, and that the monopoly is not dominating. We have a small company like amd competing with a giant like nvidia. It means alot for a company that is able to compete like this.

OMG.. finally someone with a mature attitude to the release of these 3 new video cards.
I have never had my pair of 290s throttle on me. If you need proof, i'd happily provide some. This morning when i put my pc on, my cards were idling at 28c. If you have a nice case fan setup, all the stuff you heard about the 290 is overblown. Are the fans loud at 100%? yes, but so was my 780 at 100%, though, obviously, not as loud. Do not forget, the price of one 780 pre price drop was only a little less than what a pair of 290s cost. I came over from nvidia because amd provided greater value; i just shake my head at people that blindly follow a certain camp, or people who regurgitate what others spew, none of whom had any personal experience with the card.

The stock fan profile was inaudible under load; when you have cards sitting in a mobo on top of a desk, it is obvious you will hear it. Even with the stock fan profile, the temps did not exceed 90c. With a custom fan profile, the cards hover around 75c.

Do not forget, the 780ti has power consumption and temps not too different from The 290 or 290x. If AMD says the cards are able to run this hot without any accelerated degredation, then we should believe them, until, we see something that says otherwise.

To wrap it up, all i want to say is stop nitpicking. An extra, even if it's 160 watts, will not matter. If that bothers you so much, shut off two lightbulbs in your house. You will not be gaming eight hours a day, every day, and if you do, you have greater issues.

Be a smart investor. Go for the biggest return your money can buy. Why would i buy a 780ti if i can buy two 290s for only $100 more. That extra $100 is giving you 95% performance above the 780ti, with an additional gig of ram. I simply cannot wrap my head around how ignorant people can be. I narrowed it down to buyer's remorse and pure ignorance - i too would feel bad if i spent an extra $300 for a 5% performance gain, and i too would spew the same garbage if i was ignorant, talking, but, instead of speaking intelligently, choosing to speak what others speak, and not bothering to use my own mind.

Give credit to amd, because if it were not for them, we would still be paying close to $700 for a single 780. Be thankful that there is competition, and that the monopoly is not dominating. We have a small company like amd competing with a giant like nvidia. It means alot for a company that is able to compete like this.

Thumbs up!