Just got my Mobile Barton 2400+ info here


Mar 20, 2002
Just got it from newegg. Stepping code is:


And interesting enough I have a green PCB, I assumed that most of these would be on a brown PCB.

I'm going to pop my 1700+ out and see what overclocking yields and will post back with sandra scores. And maybe SuperPi times.

First going to bench my overclocked 1700+ (in sig) to see what the numbers are like, since I've never done it before.

If I manage to hit the same speeds with the 2400+ I doubt I'll see a huge increase in the benchmarks, as all I'm doing was double the cache.


edit: well I feel really, really dumb. I just search the whole house and cant find my Arctic Silver :mad: Oh well just ordered some from svc

Will post results then ;)
Don't expect too much from it. My chip is the same exact code and it won't do 2.5GHz on water., no matter what the voltage.
Originally posted by mwarps
Don't expect too much from it. My chip is the same exact code and it won't do 2.5GHz on water., no matter what the voltage.

Yea , I got the same stepping and no matter what vcore I can't hit 2.5ghz =\. Guess 2.4 is still a good OC , specially at 1.85vcore.
Well 2.4 Ghz would be fine. Same overclock as my 1700+ but I'm getting double the cache.
I just received my AQYFA 0343WPFW from Newegg and am currently burning it in at 2595mhz. Doing install of winxp now with it and all is fine though temps are 50c (not a very good hsf)

i also have a AQYFA 0343WPFW (just arrived a few hours ago). i can't wait to get it under my waterblock. i'l try to remember to post back here with detailed results.
I recieved a AQYFAO343WPMW and I can't get 2.4 even with 1.9 volts. Do I need to burn in more?
Originally posted by archevilangel
I recieved a AQYFAO343WPMW and I can't get 2.4 even with 1.9 volts. Do I need to burn in more?

I'd say so , I have the exact same stepping as you. They won't OC to far but still are decent. I ran mine 11x200 @1.6v for a while , then upped it up slowly. Right now I'm running [email protected](bios) but it actually reads about 1.85-1.87.
My Mobile 2400+ is as follows:


I've gotten as high as 2.82 GHz at 2v, but my HSF can't keep up with the temps.

Does 2.71 GHz stable now @ 1.93v
mine is an 0343 and I can do 2550Mhz with prime95 stability. My board is maxed out but I am sure I can do pleanty more with the chip. I will let you know what happens when I get it running with my DFI board.
Originally posted by Swat
I'd say so , I have the exact same stepping as you. They won't OC to far but still are decent. I ran mine 11x200 @1.6v for a while , then upped it up slowly. Right now I'm running [email protected](bios) but it actually reads about 1.85-1.87.

thx for the info, I'm burning in at 11x200 @ 1.65v(1.6 alone makes me nervous) I guess Ill really push it saturday or so.
2v is the danger zone. They use the same cores as the bartons. There just the best cores so they run better at lower voltages.
bleh mine isnt stable w/ only 1.65 volts at 2.2ghz, it takes 1.7+ volts for 2.2 ghz, it takes 1.8+ volts for 2.3 ghz, and 2.4 ghz will only let me into windows for a minute max w/ 1.9 volts
well, i have the AQYFA 0343WPFW 2400+

the max i can get stable is 2.5ghz. that's at 1.775v so i can't complain too much.
i tried punching up the voltage to get better results, but i couldn't get anything stable.

i'm running a 1/2" diameter high-flow water system, so i don't think it's temps since the max temp i've ever seen after running prime95 is 45 degrees.

i would have loved to get one of the 2.7-2.8 OC's, but this still makes me fairly happy.
2.3ghz here @ 1.625 volts.
Going to pick up a bigger HS/Fan and a Radeon 9800 pro once I get my tax returns.
I hit 2.4 @ 1.65, but the temperatures were a bit high. I managed to shave off 10f by going to 2.3.
My 2400+ Mobile and Nforce2 board should be here tomorrow....woot! If I get 2.3 I will be perfectly happy, anything over that would be extra icing...I will post back here when I get it going...