Just got my 4G 40 gig iPod...


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 3, 2002
It's fantastically nice. However, I'm having a bit problem with the configuration. When it comes time for the part of setup to ask me to attach the iPod for configuration, I do so...but then no matter how many times I press OK, nothing happens...I've waited a little while as well, but it doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever.

Both the iPod and Windows detect the connection properly, but I can't put files on there until I format it, I suppose. And as I remember, formatting it with Windows borks it up.

More google searching reveals that there are literally dozens of other people with this problem. Can anybody shed any light on this, is it a faulty Firewire driver or what..? My sister's old iPod connected with no problems whatsoever, the only difference was that I didn't use the dock...I still used the Firewire then, and it was fine...

Hooking it up directly to the Firewire cable, hooking the dock up via USB2, and hooking it directly to the USB2 all don't work either...

Has anybody seen this problem solved before, or do I now have to ship this stupid thing back to Apple?

Oh, and the whole time it's connected it says Do Not Disconnect on the screen. I imagine that's some sort of insight into my problem.

Sorry about being hyperactive to get this problem fixed, but I'm going to an O's game tonight probably and I'd like to have something to do during the dull parts.
some system specs would be apprecated...what kind of comp...OS...connection and such
I had a similar problem with my 3G iPod. Try downloading the latest iPod software update from Apple, and the latest version of iTunes. Update the iPod with the new software first, then try and connect to iTunes. That's what worked for me, mabye it'll work for you too
Welp, I suppose this is why people hate Apple. No matter what I do, the thing still says "can't mount ipod" in the main screen of the ipod updater, which I'm assuming is the only possible way to get the thing configured properly since I can't format a 40 gig disk with FAT32. I've come across dozens of other people who have this same problem with 2G, 3G and 4G ipods, and I have yet to see a single person come up with an answer to it, besides to have Apple send a new one, which I'll be doing Monday.

Except, instead of getting a new iPod, I'll just take my money and kindly buy a 6800 GT. I refuse to fund a company that believes hardware problems of this sort are acceptable to go on for months on end, plus they barely have any friggin support! Searching for the number to call their tech support felt like it should have been incorporated in the Goonies movie, and it was useless anyway; I found out far more about my problems via Google and ipodlounge.

Just so nobody calls me a fool who gives up too easily, these are the things which I have tried and which didn't work whatsoever:

Hooking up the iPod via Firewire without the Dock.
Same as above, with the dock.
Hooking up the iPod via USB 2.0 without the Dock.
Same as above, with the dock.
Confirmed that my Firewire port is the 6 pin variety and therefore compatible, and tried hooking up the iPod via Firewire without the Dock.
Same as above, with the dock.
Uninstalling iTunes and the iPod Updater, and then reinstalling and attempting all of the above.
Downloading the iPod Updater from apple.com, despite the fact that it was the same revision as the one that came on the CD.
Running the iPod updater first, and then hooking up the iPod so as to detect it. No dice, still the "Can't mount iPod" error.
Formatting iPod to FAT32 using Disk Management.
Formatting iPod to FAT32 using DOS.
Resetting iPod and trying all of the above.
Resetting iPod, putting it in Disk Mode and trying all of the above.
Running the iPod self-diagnostic. (Everything passed just fine.)
Using a third party utility (vPod) to place mp3s on the iPod (Removable Drive C:) without having configured it first. It goes without saying that this is pointless, but there seems to be no reasoning to what it takes to configure this thing correctly, so you never know. Failed to detect iPod.
Running Windows Update and doing all of the above. Same thing.
Uninstalled Firewire connection in Device Manager and allowed Windows to reinstall it.
Search Google for a way to manually configure the iPod without using Apple's terrible, terrible "automatic" software, last resort: Failed.

Sorry if it came across as a bit zealous, but I hate finding out I've been had. I was firmly in the pro-iPod camp before this since my sister's 3G iPod worked flawlessly on this computer, same exact configuration and all...and now I get massive failures up the wazoo on a different generation? (Oh, and I removed all of the iPod / iTunes related stuff from my sister's iPod before doing this all.) That definitely doesn't add up, and I'm going to be sure to anybody who happens to have Windows and wants an iPod to stay the hell away, at their own risk. I've come across far too many random threads on far too many random message boards about people who have literally IDENTICAL problems to mine, with not a solution to be found anywhere.

first just because you are having issues and some other people are having the same issue doesn't mean the product is bad...I would check that you meet the system requirements found HERE and if so then if you are running XP tell it to run MSCONFIG and under services tell it to hid all MS and then disable all but itunes or ipod services and then do the same thing to startup and try again...if still having issues try a different user and if all else fails try a different comp that meets the requirements and if it works there then you know it is something to your comp and not the ipod...as for different gen ipod working on your system and this one not...that is the nature of NEW products...they are usually not the same as the old product and as such might not work on your config
finalgt said:
Cut for length
Ok: first off, Having NO IDEA where the phone number was at (Seriously) I was able to find a contact phone number in LESS than 30 seconds: http://survey.info.apple.com/feedback/
All i did was click on Support and then click on Contact Us at the very bottom and boom there it was.

[font=Geneva, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To get technical assistance by phone, call 1-800-275-2273[/font]
Second: You proably have a faulty ipod, So just send it back. Is it worth going though all this trouble and getting this flustraded when its hardware failure? No matter what you try THE IPOD IS STILL BROKE! The solution is to call apple and get them to send you a new one. If the only solution you could find on google is to send it back.....then guess what.......THATS THE ONLY WAY TO FIX IT!

Hardware faults are uncommon but they do happen. This does not indicate a "hardware problem that is let go on for months on end." Your getting way too steamed over some faulty hardware.

So return the ipod if you want....Tell all your friends not to buy ipods...i bet you will get the same response you put in the end of your thread: Pfftt.
There is no difference in a few iPods not working, and an entire suite of software not working (read Microsoft).
MS has never released software that worked right out of the box, and it still happens.
Ford, Chevy, Dodge, etc all have some problem with one of the thousands of cars they produce, hence warrenties.
Like stated above, check your computer, see if its compatable, and try it on another machine. If your lucky enough to know someone with an Apple.....try it on that. If not, return it, Apple is not at fault because some of its products, new technology products that is, might not work when you get it. Ever hear "dont by the first generation of anything"? well, just like that, the first generation of anything from cars, to software usually has some problems.
Previous statements retracted. Problem fixed after complete system format.

<3 iPod.
W00t, I'm getting mine for 200 bucks off cause a friend was ordering a powerbook anyway :D Cant wait for it. Shame he's in CA right now and I'm stuck in NY. I gotta get him to FEDEX it though :cool: