Just got a Sony T616 unlocked


Mar 20, 2002
Just got one of these unlcoked, came with the Cingular firmware/software.

I use T Mobile for my phone service and would like to take advantage of their free internet (limited trial). I also got the Zonet USB bluetooth adapter from newegg.

How would I go about flashing the firmware to either the latest Sony generic firmware or T-mobile firmware?
It requires special equipment.. go to your cell phone provider and ask them if they have a repair site local... they should be able to do it there. I have yet to hear of a cell phone that you can upgrade the firmware from within the phone.

It doesn't require anything special. Its just like updating your firmware for computer hardware. If you don't know then don't reply
Also note that free WAP has reached it's end. Tmo is now charging 4.99 for WAP access through tzones :(

KingKaeru said:
Also note that free WAP has reached it's end. Tmo is now charging 4.99 for WAP access through tzones :(


Yeah I noticed this as well, read it on another forum :(

But I'll gladly pay $5 for unlimited internet anywhere that I can Bluetooth to my PDA
Yeah, I was expecting to do some [H] browsing during lunch but found the "Signup for TZones message" instead :(

as a fellow t-mobile user it's a shame that free wap is gone :( 4.99 for unlimited WAP is a steal compared to other carriers though :D
neoreturns said:

It doesn't require anything special. Its just like updating your firmware for computer hardware. If you don't know then don't reply

then by your logic you shouldnt be replying to your own thread... :rolleyes:

some phones do require special service connectors, while others the standard data cable will work, you however will not be able to flash via bluetooth becasuse the bluetooth module will be shut off durring the flashing process

also good luck finding a t-mobile flash, most branded flashes are internal works and arent generally avaiable outside the corp intranet, as for the SE flash this should be easier to find
Free WAP for T Mo is dead...but free GPRS still works! All you need to do is point your phone to another gateway besides t-mo. Worked perfectly for me. Another alternative is to connect via CSD instead of GPRS. That is still free, but it uses your minutes so unless u have M2M, only use it during nites/weekends.

Oh, and you can flash most phones via a USB cable for your t616. t616 firmware is scarce though. You can flash your phone with t610 firmware, but you will lose the 850mhz band on your handset (t610 supports 900mhz whereas the t616 supports 850mhz instead) but all t-mo towers are 1900. Cingular uses a lot of 850mhz towers in the south.
dextrous said:
Free WAP for T Mo is dead...but free GPRS still works! All you need to do is point your phone to another gateway besides t-mo.

which gateway do you use?

Right now I'm using one of wap tunnel's gateways. The IP to it is if you wanna use it. I'd like to find some decent windows software so I can setup my own for free/cheap. See this thread if you wanna know about that: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1026382456

Oh, anyone else think the [H] is incomplete without a wap site? After all, it is the realm of the hardcore no?