Just got a drebel today


Mar 5, 2001
I know, * > 300D and all that crap. This is my first SLR of any kind and wanted to keep it under a grand. I'm VERY pleased with it so far. Of course, now I'm desperately wanting a lens with a bit further reach than the 18-55mm kit lens. Any suggestions? (other than $$$$ L series lenses!)

Anyway, here's the best pic of the first day messing around with it. This is my 1 year old daugter:

Congrats on the new camera! Thats a cute pic and a very well exposed capture!

As for lens, you may want to check out Sigma's offerings. Typically, you are looking at about 2/3rd the price of a "branded" lens. In general, try to stick to the EX line (higher quality) preferably with HSM (internal motor) for fast auto-focus. I have a 180mm f/3.5 EX HSM macro from them and it is exceptional. Got my eye on another come the new year
CrunchSA said:
I know, * > 300D and all that crap. This is my first SLR of any kind and wanted to keep it under a grand.
Nice choice. I just bought a 300D last week also. Got a crazy deal, the kit for $700. Most people who complain about the 300D are people willing to pay $1600+ for a camera. A plastic body to me doesnt matter, I'm not planning on dropping mine. (in fact, i've heard the 300D in a drop doesn't fare too badly, because its a little lighter, and a little more resiliant than metal). I've noticed that 90% of a photo is credited to the person who set up the shot, and 10% is really the equipment. Good choice to save the money and get a 300D, you can now save up for some lenses...I really want a nice zoom lens, theyre so expensive though.

I went out and got a tripod, a UV filter, mostly to protect the lens, and also a lens hood, which helps keep the glare off the lens. If you haven't already gotten those, it might be a good idea, at least for the UV filter.
i have a 28-135 IS, its nice. A bit heavier than the kit lens, though not nearly as wide, it does nicely for telephoto zoom though. About 450$ online i think. I'd grab the hood for it as well.

You will also want to pickup a 1gb cf for the camera as well. Not very hard to fill it up, especially if you start doing RAW.