just finished Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


Jul 22, 2004
just finished the game and it was soooooo much fun.

graphics = useless

gameplay + storyline + funfactor = i hell game :D
Great game. Im playing though it right now... and i am hooked.

I LOVE the story!!
logan1 said:
just finished the game and it was soooooo much fun.

graphics = useless

gameplay + storyline + funfactor = i hell game :D

Good to hear you enjoyed it. I bought it the other day but haven't played much because of HL2. How long would you say the game is ? Estimate in playing hours to finish ?
Hopefully it's longer than TOEE. I beat that game in 2-3 days. I just got to the beachhouse in Santa Monica. (still at the beginning I know)
I'm playing it now since I beat HL2. Story line is ok since i'm still somewhat lost as to what exactly is going on. I just blew up the warehouse then my game crashed so i'm not all that far into it. One thing that pisses me off is that my character is so damned Ugly but that's the character class.

I wish the graphics were better since they are using the source engine. This game looks like it had good writers but everything else about the game looks rushed. Load times suck for such small maps, why walking into a small shop requires a map load is beyond me. Map overlay, mouse wheel weapons scroll, light meter, easier use of opening doors, all would be good to see in a patch.

Don't get me wrong this game is fun and a refreshing change from the norm. Just they needed to spend a few more months with the polish.
Is this game really short?????

It took me months to fnish Vampire The Masqurade Redemption...now exactly... well i didnt finish it... I just went to New York... and thats it...school started.. never finished that game

how short is this Vampire The Masqurade Bloodlines.. ???

how you guys finish it in 2-3 days... unless you guys played non stop...
It is an rpg, alot of talking to npc's, getting clues etc. It switches to first person when wielding firearms but its usually a 3rd person view. I've heard it can take anywhere from 45-60 hours to beat, mainly because of the dialouge.

Agreed on the map loads, especially when coming back out to one of the hubs. I wish it had day and night cycles too, Its just one like long ass night. Would be cool to have a countdown to sunrise you have to scurry off to a dumpster or the sewers.

I'm having a blast playing it, finding new ways to punish your enemies and all the alternate paths to each goal. Graphics and physics aren't mind blowing but the story and gameplay make it great imo.
it took me like 30-35 hrs to beat the game. :D

the last 2 levels r sooooooo hard.

just got HL2 , i am still in vampire mode through, everyonce in a while i try to make gordan feed on someone :D
Already, jeez.

I'm 3 or 4 hours in, I'm really enjoying it so far, the difficulty seems a bit whack though, because you get so many quests on the go at the same time it's not really clear what order they are supposed to be done in so it goes straight from doing the easy beach house mission to doing the Blood demon and Diner Ambush. Bit of a difference. Not particuarly hard but hardly linear progression.

I want to confess something though, the Haunted House scared the shit out of me, I was jumping all over the place, that girls voice just went straight through me.

"Beeeeeeeeeeee Careful"

i beat hl2 on sat, and started playing vampire yesterday. it's really good so far. the cutscenes and some other stuff are really choppy and could be done better but the missions are fun to do. i was pretty scared in that hotel place. i just finished doing the stuff for the "two" girls.
Iratus said:
Already, jeez.

I'm 3 or 4 hours in, I'm really enjoying it so far, the difficulty seems a bit whack though, because you get so many quests on the go at the same time it's not really clear what order they are supposed to be done in so it goes straight from doing the easy beach house mission to doing the Blood demon and Diner Ambush. Bit of a difference. Not particuarly hard but hardly linear progression.

I want to confess something though, the Haunted House scared the shit out of me, I was jumping all over the place, that girls voice just went straight through me.

"Beeeeeeeeeeee Careful"


I didn't find the Blood demon to be hard at all. The Diner Ambush did take a reload to do since the whole situation caught me by surprise, but then it was easy enough (Just take the shotgun guy first).

Of course I am a gangrel with 3 points in strength, 3 in Protean, 2 in Fortitude, and 2 in Brawling so I smoke people pretty easy and don't take a lot of damage.
Cool I got the game, havent played yet. Damn wish I had more time to play games. Damn job and earning money thing....
This game reminds of Deus Ex which is why I like it so much... plus being a vampire is pretty cool.

Minor irritations: Loading a map whenever I open a door takes me "out" of the game and doesn't make it feel that immersive. Little things like day and night cycles, environment interaction (flushing a toilet, turning on a sink... bleh bleh bleh) would have put this game over the top.

I must say that the haunted mansion part of this game was one of the best levels I have ever played/witnessed in a game. The scare that doom 3 gave me didn't even come close to the chills that went down my spine playing this level.

Haven't really played too much of this game yet, gotta wait till thanksgiving break to really get into this game. Hopefully the rest of the game can deliver.
ThreeDee said:
so graphics suck in this game then? ... :confused:

No, the graphics don't suck, they just suffer from being compared to Half-life 2 all the time since this game uses the same engine.

The graphics are good to excellent by most standards, and are better than any other PC RPG graphics to date in my opinion (outside of EQ2 anyway), but they are definitely not at the D3/HL2/FC level (despite being made on the same engine as HL).
Playing this too - its okay i guess - the whole vampire thing is REALLY cool but the game itself is really pushing my interest. Its just very unpoished. Like the animations, scenes, and movement are very weak. One time I even got stuck and was unable to move.

Voiceacting on the otherhand isnt too bad. Story also seems like it could be awesome. Very Deus Ex ish cuz of the factions and what not.

I mean if WoW wasnt coming out then I might see myself finishing this. But cmon now, WoW? Or HL2? GTA San Andreas? MGS3? Just too much other stuff to be playing. Too bad too this coulda been awesome.